[Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by nervous » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:11 am

Corazon wrote:
HAY GUISE! Looks like we had it all wrong! There IS a way to kill a level 60 player while you're level 18! Ok pvpman, enlighten us. I think you missed the painfully obvious point that all of us are able, but unwilling, to participate.

What's that? Nothing to say? Call me a faggot, or a bad, retreat to your safe corner of predictable baseless arguments, insults, and safespotting.

Do you know what the essence of a PvP server is? A free license to act like a cunt to random people over the internet behind the safety net of anonymity (you're all too cowardly to act this way in public) because you got your bitch ass wooped in school by a kid bigger than you and you're looking to spread the misery to other people.

Besides, if wpvp was so fucking awesome in the first place, Blizzard would have never seen the need to implement battlegrounds, or level brackets.

l2pvp irl bro

are you okay?

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Alquen » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:23 am


I am by far not a fan of PvP , but I knew when i signed up for this server that it was going to be a PvP server. I knew i was going to get ganked , I knew what i was sign up for.

I have to ask why do folks who hate PvP even sign up know that this server , KNOWING it is going to be this rule set ?

All that aside. You know what I have been killed more time than i car to count , but you know what i never do I never engage them. They kill you more than two or three times , then you what Log on to alt or MOVE ON. IF YOU don't like to PvP then don't feed the need of the PvP player who get enjoyment from doing this activity. LET Him/ her kill you without doing a thing about t and continue what your doing after you come back. YOU are not losing anything but a small amount of time running back to your body.

small story: I had one guy horde in desolace who killed me three time , i never engage him once. He kept laughing at me and other such emote. I just ignored it. YOU lose nothing but time. After the 5th time he killed me he got bored and went to find someone who would engage him and give him what she/he wanted. Someone who would try to fight back.


Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Botanist » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:25 am

Corazon wrote:
strreamix wrote:So funny the PVE players calling the PVP'ers autistic and childish when they are the ones that still haven't learned to combat anything but NPC's in over 10 years.

HAY GUISE! Looks like we had it all wrong! There IS a way to kill a level 60 player while you're level 18! Ok pvpman, enlighten us. I think you missed the painfully obvious point that all of us are able, but unwilling, to participate.

What's that? Nothing to say? Call me a faggot, or a bad, retreat to your safe corner of predictable baseless arguments, insults, and safespotting.

Do you know what the essence of a PvP server is? A free license to act like a cunt to random people over the internet behind the safety net of anonymity (you're all too cowardly to act this way in public) because you got your bitch ass wooped in school by a kid bigger than you and you're looking to spread the misery to other people.

Besides, if wpvp was so fucking awesome in the first place, Blizzard would have never seen the need to implement battlegrounds, or level brackets.

l2pvp irl bro

pm me if u wanna talk bro...

no judgement here bro...
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Astixium » Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:45 am

Corazon wrote:
strreamix wrote:So funny the PVE players calling the PVP'ers autistic and childish when they are the ones that still haven't learned to combat anything but NPC's in over 10 years.

HAY GUISE! Looks like we had it all wrong! There IS a way to kill a level 60 player while you're level 18! Ok pvpman, enlighten us. I think you missed the painfully obvious point that all of us are able, but unwilling, to participate.

What's that? Nothing to say? Call me a faggot, or a bad, retreat to your safe corner of predictable baseless arguments, insults, and safespotting.

Do you know what the essence of a PvP server is? A free license to act like a cunt to random people over the internet behind the safety net of anonymity (you're all too cowardly to act this way in public) because you got your bitch ass wooped in school by a kid bigger than you and you're looking to spread the misery to other people.

Besides, if wpvp was so fucking awesome in the first place, Blizzard would have never seen the need to implement battlegrounds, or level brackets.

l2pvp irl bro

I would kill your lvl 18 alt irl also if it was a hunter or a paladin.
Astixium - Level 60 Undead Mage.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Garfunkel » Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:50 am

Corazon wrote:HAY GUISE! Looks like we had it all wrong! There IS a way to kill a level 60 player while you're level 18!

Oh HAY GUISE! What was it you accused me of doing in the other thread? Strawmanning, ah that was it. Yet, what do we see here? A made-up strawman argument! Oh no!

Lvl 18 zones are not contested, you liar. A lvl 60 can hang around Darkshore or Barrens or Westfall all day and not see any PVP-flagged lowbies. But hey, all your other examples are made up too, so what's one more?
Last edited by Garfunkel on Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by nervous » Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:52 am

Garfunkel wrote:Oh HAY GUISE! What was it you accused me of doing in the other thread? Strawmanning, ah that was it. Yet, what do we see here? A made-up strawman argument! Oh no!

Lvl 18 zones are not contested, you liar. A lvl 60 can hang around Ashenvale or Barrens or Westfall all day and not see any PVP-flagged lowbies. But hey, all your other examples are made up too, so what's one more?

I mean, redridge is contested

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Garfunkel » Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:54 am

Oh, I forgot Redridge. Good point. I also made a typo, I meant Darkshore not Ashenvale.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by winfernal » Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:18 am

Winfernal - 60 Orc Warrior (PvP)
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by OGTUCKER117 » Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:27 am

Corazon wrote:
strreamix wrote:So funny the PVE players calling the PVP'ers autistic and childish when they are the ones that still haven't learned to combat anything but NPC's in over 10 years.

HAY GUISE! Looks like we had it all wrong! There IS a way to kill a level 60 player while you're level 18! Ok pvpman, enlighten us. I think you missed the painfully obvious point that all of us are able, but unwilling, to participate.

What's that? Nothing to say? Call me a faggot, or a bad, retreat to your safe corner of predictable baseless arguments, insults, and safespotting.

Do you know what the essence of a PvP server is? A free license to act like a cunt to random people over the internet behind the safety net of anonymity (you're all too cowardly to act this way in public) because you got your bitch ass wooped in school by a kid bigger than you and you're looking to spread the misery to other people.

Besides, if wpvp was so fucking awesome in the first place, Blizzard would have never seen the need to implement battlegrounds, or level brackets.

l2pvp irl bro

lol u suck lol
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Vampnaga » Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:02 am

Ew.. this actually a real thing?? gross. l2p


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