PVE server

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: PVE server

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:46 am

wolfqueen wrote:
zipzo wrote:Always with the "Go play Hello Kitty Online"...

Not sure about you guys but if you've actually *played* HKO you'd know it can put other grinds to shame, and there's not even a character specific level system, meaning no matter how many mobs you kill for your drops, it doesn't progress your level. Worse, the rng is just torture for when you're trying to get certain materials. Professions are also a massive pita to level as a result. If you're trying to pick some sort of casual title on the fly to make a joke, HKO isn't exactly the representative I'd use to make your funny.


They are not saying it cause they think HKO is more casual, they are saying it cause there is no WPVP.


There was WPVP on PVE servers. Where in the world are you people getting this from? I was there. I remember all the rampant WPVP on the PVE server I played on during vanilla. The only difference is when I was done I could disengage and do other things. In other words PVP had its place and when I was done with it it wouldn't follow me.
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Re: PVE server

by apollan » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:18 am

Forget about these dumbasses that ridicule PvE realms... It's just a different way of playing the game. And for some people that is more desirable, there is nothing wrong with it. If the population keeps rising, and hits maybe 8.5k+ peaks, I'd be all for a PvE realm. But it would need cross BG and transfers.

Re: PVE server

by Ganjo » Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:52 am

What is the bullshit about no World PVP on PVE servers? All the same shit that happened on PVP servers happened on PVE servers except we didn't have to deal with the dickheads while leveling/farming. There were daily southshore/tarren mill raids until BGs came out. I never understood why you hardcore PVPers just don't /pvp? If your so good at PVP then someone getting the first shot shouldn't matter at all. Couldn't have anything to do with you not wanting a fair PVP fight?

Vanilla has shit PVP.

This game was never designed for the number of players it has but apparently that has ZERO effect on game play? How exactly is this blizzlike? Everyone says the devs have some vision but it was broken the moment it got overpopulated. Questing, farming, PVP are all ruined by the absurd number of players.

This server is all hype no bite. Constant DC's and crashes, absurd pop, bugs everywhere, missing loot. This should be even better in a month with 50+ guilds running MC and they find out they cant handle that much processing. I see the supposed 7K players online but I am lucky to see 1 person/group an hour spamming trade/lfg for lvl60 instances. Is everyone going to run MC in lvl 50 quest greens?

I actually wanted to experience wow again but this is nowhere near vanilla world of warcraft. What else have they done to the world that supposedly doesn't affect it being blizzlike? Number of players/mobs on screen, view distances and other settings have been altered. Somehow changing the game doesn't actually change it being blizzlike. All this is done for the sake of allowing MORE people on the server. Changing spawn rates to accommodate the numbers of players is too much tho! Funny.

Apparently the devs think the more players they get the closer they get to being like vanilla.

Re: PVE server

by Poony » Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:10 am

The population size is just wrong at the moment, more than half the population would be about right, maybe it will decrease overtime, but 5k-7k+ people online is not viable long term. These random disconnects happen too frequently, and opening another server, preferably a PVE server for people that hate no skill gangfests, would bring back the population to a reasonnable level (more like original retail).

Re: PVE server

by popezaphod » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:31 pm

Considering how many times I've had to corpse run and wait for the rez timer due to being ganked while questing, I agree with Ganjo that all world PvP has over PvE realms are assholes who kill players who just want to quest and level and don't give a shit about honor.
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Re: PVE server

by TaylorShift » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:34 pm

popezaphod wrote:Considering how many times I've had to corpse run and wait for the rez timer due to being ganked while questing, I agree with Ganjo that all world PvP has over PvE realms are assholes who kill players who just want to quest and level and don't give a shit about honor.

Less cry, more pew pew. Days later and you are still singing the same song.

Re: PVE server

by Crichton » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:51 pm

The difference between PvE and PVP is irrelevant; Or which is better, it's all subjective. What is true, however, is that if Nost keeps growing at this rate then there will be enough of a population that does prefer PVE and it'll become worthwhile for Nost to adjust their vision, and cater to a audience that would no longer be a minority. That is if Nost does desire popularity. If they don't care about their popularity, then it'll never happen.

Re: PVE server

by Razhork » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:52 pm

This PvP server bullshit is annoying as shit. Nostalrius is a good server but this forced PvP interaction is pathetic. So much for world pvp aye when fucking 10 level higher players are walking around zones camping corpses. If people wanted to do world pvp be assured they'd toggle on their PvP and if they don't, then they obviously dont want to fucking PvP.

This logic of forced world PvP is retarded, but being camped by people you stand no chance up against whilst you just want to level is just infuriating as fuck. Wish I could address it in a more formal matter but this shit camping low levels is obnoxious as fuck at this point. So much for blizzlike. World PvP would have happened regardless if it was a PvE server because some people seek it and the people who don't simply fucking don't.

Edit: Also dont kid yourself world pvp happened at southshore/tarren mill because we didn't used to have battlegrounds so it was the only thing we could. When BG's were finally introduced that shit died out so fast you don't even know.

Re: PVE server

by Baconheart » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:04 pm

Ganjo wrote:If your so good at PVP then someone getting the first shot shouldn't matter at all. Couldn't have anything to do with you not wanting a fair PVP fight?

Actually it does matter because there is a huge difference between assholes and people who want to PvP. I like PvP servers because you can basically kill people anywhere, the difference between me and assholes is that I dont attack people at 200hp and no mana or while they are fighting mobs. That's all rogues do, and I agree, it is really annoying.

But I would never play on a PvE server even though that part is frustrating, you would lose way too much, like killing random people just running around. If you don't want to fight, why even play the game? WoW isn't solely PvP or PvE, it is both, and you cannot have one w/o the other. PvP players need PvE gear to stay relevant, and PvE players must venture out into the dangerous world, alone or not. Warcraft was literally built around the Horde vs. Alliance struggle.

And to people getting camped, this is a social game, so call some of your higher level friends to help you. People who camp are lame, but this isn't a single player game, and if none if your friends want to help, then thats just your problem.
Last edited by Baconheart on Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PVE server

by nervous » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:06 pm

My favorite part about PvE servers is picking all the dreamfoil in azshara without worrying about anything. <3

I also enjoy killing azuregos with no pvp competition <33


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