Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Eso » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:56 pm

Voodoom wrote:
Skuggor wrote:I don't see "Grizzly gonna crush you like every other server" on the Kronos' guilds section.

No Grizzly ? I'm in !

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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by waffle » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:58 pm

Regnam1 wrote:Yes but kronos has more quality since their other servers do ..................................................................... so i dont trust Nostalrius crew anymore they have lied and betrayed my trust ... thats all............................................................................. cy@ in 2 weeks on kronos boi

I am trying not to hate too much without arguments, bro.

Both server have their pro and cons obviously.

One thing for Nostalrius is the obvious lack of income...we all could see what happened once there were 6k+ players...they needed new hardware. What happens when something breaks? (happens with servers which are under load 24/7 pretty often) and so on.

And whats up with your '.' key, bro? Crusted with all the gooch from your gibbering mouth cuz Kronos release????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Or crusted by 'other stuff'?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by ultimatez » Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:24 pm

waffle wrote: probably know why the past Kronos launches failed, right?
You think this one will be much better? probably did not play the beta then (look the posts in their forums, they had huge issues. It was a disconnect sim.).

I still wish Kronos the best of luck, honestly. Another good server would be beneficial for many more players. BUT all of those fanboys and haters on each stream and chat are doing nothing but harm to the whole private server scene(talking about every fanboy or hater for each server, not just Kronos

I've been trying to stay pretty neutral on this whole retarded "server war" because I personally just can't even fathom how people can jump to defend something like a WoW server and take sides without just being objective.

So in the pursuit of objectivity, let's look at a couple things. First off, I can't agree more that having multiple servers out SHOULD benefit both of them, and sadly so far it has seemed to have the opposite. Both projects have rushed to one-up the other, and suffered in quality as a result.

However, as far as your stability point, we can't deny that Nostalrius every patch claims to "fix crash sources" yet I have still not played a single full day without a couple of crashes and rollbacks. Honestly it hasn't felt that different from the frequency of the DCs when I played Archangel, and that was the main factor that caused me to quit. You only lose so many items as a small player that get ignored and see top guilds getting immediate ticket reponses before you lose faith in the staff or in your own position within the server's community.

As far as Kronos stability - yes it was a shitshow their first day of the beta. But did you try it anytime after? On their recent stress test, they did peak at about 700 players total and I only experienced one crash when a GM summoned a full raid to MC, which probably caused it. I'm not jumping to be too impressed by that, however, since 700 players is a LOT different from 2-3k that could potentially be playing on actual launch.

I think the smartest thing to do is reserve judgment for another couple of weeks and see where each server goes.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Struckd » Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:43 pm

Thank you! an objective post!

I still dont understand this whole 'war'...why does there have to be one? Its great that there are two servers releasing that are tackling the vanilla experience in different ways.

This can only be good for the vanilla community as a whole. Stop all the god dam hate.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Banezilla » Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:35 pm

waffle wrote:One thing for Nostalrius is the obvious lack of income...we all could see what happened once there were 6k+ players...they needed new hardware. What happens when something breaks? (happens with servers which are under load 24/7 pretty often) and so on.

Whatever, Nostalrius has a plan to make money. They just BEG for donations here:
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Blackadder » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:10 pm

kronos is supposed to be up now, but it's the same deja vu

only connects and hangs.. DC... might be just as overloaded as the first hours of nostalrius
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by pakao » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:12 pm

Hope people who dont like it here and started on kronos will leave forums aswell so we can have decent forum now
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by azreal313 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:14 pm

Blackadder wrote:kronos is supposed to be up now, but it's the same deja vu

only connects and hangs.. DC... might be just as overloaded as the first hours of nostalrius

Probably getting ddos'd into a hole in the ground.
I masturbate to the hate.
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Mentat » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:18 pm

Taken and updated from the most un-biased post of a KvN discussion I could find ... vs_kronos/

Nostalrius Pros:
- NOT Pay-to-Win
- Progression Timeline set - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4
- High Population - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3903
- Stability relatively great for 6k peaks
- Slightly better ping for NA folks
- Weekly Patch Notes - viewforum.php?f=2

Nostalrius Cons:
- Obvious / Stock Mangos bugs on release - even after "5" years development - viewtopic.php?f=45&t=2676 viewforum.php?f=45
- Marketed as "Non-Profit" - have already asked for donations - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4712
- May try to import old beta characters at a later time -
- Admins are not very active on the forums
- Raiding scripts touted as "Quality" - Onyixa & Ragnaros have both been exploited multiple times - viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4965
- No public bug tracker

Kronos Pros:
- NOT Pay-to-Win
- Financial Backing of the Twinstar project -
- Open AMA with Staff who will answer questions to the best of their ability - ... onos-Staff
- Public Bug Tracker -

Kronos Cons:
- Public Relations - wishy-washy multibox ban, open beta 1 day before nos release
- Potential for less population
- Less (alleged) # of Devs

- Kronos: 10g Respec cap - to promote PvP/PvE - ... post706849
- Kronos: Character Auction - Secondary income for server upkeep - NOT P2W but many simply do not like the concept - Please inform YOURSELF on this topic if you would like to discuss it - ... tion/page7
- Nostalrius: "Blizzlike" progression with elements of 1.12.1 does not make it authentic causing more problems than fixing

- Quality of server code for both - Seeing as Kronos has yet to release as of this post
- Actual number of Nostalrius Devs, who are they?
- Kronos Timeline Specifics -
May your spirit be raised and always raise your spirits
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Quickbowjob » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:23 pm

As i can tell from TwitchTV some people got in most did not.
So it's a /fail start for most.
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