by donking » Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:35 am
The version did not change, I sent to many proofs to all of you and you all know that the account was not bought, the original owner will also post here to confirm it, and when I heard multiboxing.... Did you ever thinked about what you said ? Talking about multiboxing is a joke... So on this server you can't rush toons with a higher char, you can't share your char, wtf ? Nothing is blizzlike here, and the worst joke is when I hear "just level a toon you're not an hardcore player" lol man are you really proud of leveling ? Do you think you are an "hardcore" man ? The only Blizzlike thing in here is people just trying to put you knee deep in the shit even when you're right and you prove it.
I will not level any other char in here if I can't manage to get this one unbanned.
If this continue you will probably be banned if someone give you gold or mats in game and when you will request it here people will tell you "nah bro you did not farmed your mats you are note an hardcore player..." Just look at yourself, you did not farmed your actual life, your parents gave it to you, it is not the case for some people living in Burkina Faso or Rio de Janeiro...
I gave so many explanations and screenshots, if the fact that the original owner post here with the original IP he used to create the acc can change something, please Viper tell it. Thanks.