by Solar » Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:57 pm
I completely agree.
GDKP can and will cause many problems, regardless if people think it does or doesn't.
First and foremost, GDKP increases the need for gold exponentially to an extent ( If let continue ) that it will become physically impossible for new players to ever join a raid, simply because they do not have enough gold. Lets be real people, people are greedy. Why is someone going to let a fresh raider join, when you need a minimum of 5,000g to even join the raid. I've seen it many, many times, people would rather gear their alts than let new people join in.
Not to even mention the real issue with GDKP is increasing the chances gold buying/selling, people will buy gold. Yes, people could buy gold before GDKP, it's not a new thing. However, when you have a system that increases the demand of something(Gold) to the point that GDKP does, it has dire consequences on just about every aspect of the game and management team.
Your server now needs 10x the amount of gold as it did before, because 80% of the server is now running GDKP. Where does that gold come from? Well, you could say many things... Quite frankly most of the gold comes from bots and gold selling. Which now starts to suck up resources from the management team, as they have to try and deal with these issues to the best of their ability otherwise it can and will destroy the economy of the server.
In a perfect world GDKP could be done, and it could be "ok". I don't think I personally would be participating in it. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and it's very far from such.
I seen a few people in the thread asking as to how you would stop GDKP, it's quite easy frankly. Make a rule stating you're not allowed to host or participate in GDKP runs, punishment = ??. It's quite hard to recruit 19/39 other people for a raid that isn't even allowed to happen.
-This is more of a rant.
Not to mention how poorly pug groups can be set up, most "leaders" of these groups don't care about much except their end profits, considering the leader will usually take an extra cut of the total gold, typically 5-10% or so. As such I've seen rich people bidding on items they can't even use, nor trade. Usually they'll say that they wanted to give the raid a boost of gold.
^^ I'm aware that I will probably receive a comment saying " That shouldn't be allowed. " ^^
It's a pug run, they're out to make as much money as possible, not gear you up.