Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screenshots!

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Nêthêr <Logic> Human Paladin

by Darknowledge » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:30 pm

Healer: ninja looted on Emperor (BRD)

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Diametra » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:57 pm

^ This was a group needing on everything as rule set by their leader Juapepala. A badly arranged group from what I can tell as my dps specced guildie Nether was their healer. ... B&player=Nêthêr

By tank's admission it was badly organized. I chalk this up as just a horrible experience for all those involved and nether did not ninja from leader's explanation. He also explained there was no problem with Nether in this group.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Darknowledge » Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:12 pm

In that case I'm going to ignore the groupmaster. Since he invited a noob (+ not english speaking) tank. A healer in DPS gear and spec and a DPS in full tank gear...

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Chevejo » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:23 pm

Ok, so today I had to meet with this type of guy again:
We went SM Lib, I ran the 5th time in there and locked the Caster-Dagger (nice upgrade for about 10 lvls) of the Boss for me. Noone needed it anyway and all were fine with. As we arrived at Dorans chamber, I set PM and asked again, if everything is ok. Doran´s mantle, the shoulders dropped. Nothing else. The rogue just rolled, thoughting he is trolling, I asked the others if someone need it. Noone wanted it, so I rolled a /roll 1-5 - just like it is greeded same chance for everyone to get the silver for it.

But then the Rogue started whining, after I gave the item to the 5th grp member in my sight. Told him, its mine, not his sight.

After some flame and cheese and I ignored him, he spammed /1 and /world and told shit about me like I would be a ninja looter. Some people from different guilds wrote me, I think it where 3, also flaming me. All from the same source and 2 of them in the same zone like the rogue.

Lucky I took some screenshots to prove I am not guilty:

On live realms you get a lifetime ban (around 20 years) for pullying someone. Why is there no punish on Nostalrius? A GM wrote me 1 sentence back. Maybe I have to explain this shit to a further guild and much more ppl, just because of this BEEEEEP
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Robotron » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:31 pm

Chevejo wrote:Ok, so today I had to meet with this type of guy again:
We went SM Lib, I ran the 5th time in there and locked the Caster-Dagger (nice upgrade for about 10 lvls) of the Boss for me. Noone needed it anyway and all were fine with. As we arrived at Dorans chamber, I set PM and asked again, if everything is ok. Doran´s mantle, the shoulders dropped. Nothing else. The rogue just rolled, thoughting he is trolling, I asked the others if someone need it. Noone wanted it, so I rolled a /roll 1-5 - just like it is greeded same chance for everyone to get the silver for it.

But then the Rogue started whining, after I gave the item to the 5th grp member in my sight. Told him, its mine, not his sight.

After some flame and cheese and I ignored him, he spammed /1 and /world and told shit about me like I would be a ninja looter. Some people from different guilds wrote me, I think it where 3, also flaming me. All from the same source and 2 of them in the same zone like the rogue.

Lucky I took some screenshots to prove I am not guilty:

On live realms you get a lifetime ban (around 20 years) for pullying someone. Why is there no punish on Nostalrius? A GM wrote me 1 sentence back. Maybe I have to explain this shit to a further guild and much more ppl, just because of this BEEEEEP

You are why I hate cows.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Chevejo » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:35 pm

Guess u didnt read further than one sentence and freak out about mage/wl weapon lock, what was as u can read, obsolete, but I didnt wanted a greedy guy like the rogue to Need for selling.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Romulus » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:40 pm

Guilds to be entirely avoided:

<Convulsion> - A guild that encourages guild members to ninja loot in pugs ... 300#p85283

Let's say you're a beast tank and you carry a dm north trib run (an instance basically completely reliant on competent tank for smooth run) while some noob hunter complains and generally stinks up the party.

Ring drops for your fury set. Hunters only one who needs, hes trash. You grab that item and only that item.

Who knows if this is really what happened, I could be making it up. But that's the point.

Of course people are going to take the forums and spin it in some lame ass way because thats what kids do. (Convulsion promotes ninjaing lel)

Tldr this thread is a flame war for kids to complain, never going to be unbiased
Romulus 60 Shaman

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Robotron » Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:10 pm

It also hasn't been updated in nearly a month. It's time this thread gets closed.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Youstroyer » Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:45 pm

Echydna, Warlock, ninjaed the Cape of the Brotherhood. Afterwards he said he rolled greed on all other items, so its ok.

WoWScrnShot_070315_232936.png (84.08 KiB) Viewed 1656 times

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Samwise » Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:46 am

Another shitty player/ninja-looter:


I got into a group with this dickhead for the Morbent Fel quest. He was impatient and rude, and when we took down our target, he Needed on the [Iron Lockbox] drop. After swiping the loot, he left the party and took off. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of this occurence, but I do have a shot of him getting impatient with us in the chat just moments before:


Tibba, on the other hand, was a chill teammate, polite and helpful. :)
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