JeeTee wrote:Not every warrior that tanks pub groups is a dedicated protection spec. I put just as much time into the dungeon run as the other players. Logically, I should be eligible to roll for the loot I need. That's called fair.
Yes you do put in as much time and you are also the only one (hopefully you don't have
two arses in the group) competing for dem tanking items.
Logically you should be able to roll offspec you say? Whats the logic in that? If you don't need any items designed for tanking then by all means mention that when you form or join the group to make sure the
3 DD in your group is ok with it. Or you know, continue being a greedy mule.
You have already admitted that you barely have enough time to play and you believe you are entitled to loot because of it. This is a perfect example of the attitude the current retail playerbase has.
I have never said that I lack the time, I said that I do not want scrubs wasting hours of my life rolling for shit thats not their MS. Entitled? Yes I most certainly am. I spent alot of time on my character and I spend alot of time running dungeons so why should I not be entitled to have priority when rolling on items aimed at my class and build.
Getting pre-raid BIS will take some time/effort unless you're very lucky or running with guildies. As I said before: Vanilla is a huge time sink. Maybe you are playing the wrong game, your expectations are unrealistic.
I've been playing on and off since release day so spare me, please. My expectations here are indeed unrealistic, trying to teach good manners and tact to a son of a trogg.