by Membraniac » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:43 pm
OG Tucker I had you on ignore when you first were spamming the world chat drama. Then I came to the forums, and every day in every thread there is a post by you saying something stupid or obnoxious or both. The first time my ignore list filled I took you off thinking maybe I wouldn't encounter you much in the world and I needed the space. But literally less than one minute later you were spamming caps and words that were triggering my word filter so right back on ignore you went. I'm guessing most of the server has done similar.
Honestly, whenever anyone agree with you about anything controversial, you can basically assume that person is wrong and a 4chan/stormfront troll also. I think that narrows down everybody except the like 5 equally stupid/self-important rageoholics on that choose to argue with you because they think there's a point. Also the mostly silent majority that has not yet gotten into the game-changing practice of using their ignore function that fill my chat with simple, to-the-point phrases like "Shut up OGTucker" from time to time, which is funny to see.