Such a Shame

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Re: Such a Shame

by beercow » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:07 pm

Royko wrote:
varth wrote:You guys are just beyond stupid, you are trying to tell me you can't find ANYWHERE to grind without being ganked? 100% bullshit, ill bet you 10g that you could grind the bug tunnels in ungoro, the ogre cave in searing, ect ect. I got killed well over 15x in Blasted Lands by the same lvl 60 paladin doing reckoning bombs, did I make a crybaby post about it? No I found a corner and grinded.

The fact that someone has to find a remote spot to grind really sucks the fun out of playing. Original vanilla wasn't like that. Sure, there were ganks, but nothing like here. I'm glad I got 60 before it got really bad. I wanted to level an alt, but now there's no way I will.

Original Vanilla wasn't like what? Tons of endless grinding? Incredibly repetitive and mind-numbing? You must be thinking of another game. Just be glad the gaming community has learned as much as it has since mmorpgs became popular because else you'd still be a lvl20 scrub with white gear and no idea where to go.

And yea there are more people on the server so the ganks are more common, but take it in stride. Any idiot can kill one mob at a time and gather quest items. But trying to do it while constantly looking over your shoulder is exhilarating. And how awesome you feel when you give that 60 the slip like a lone survivor in a city full of zombies. Those are the real achievements. Disagree? Then you were never meant to play on a PvP realm.

TL;DR - no QQ, yes pewpew. Quitters RIP.
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Re: Such a Shame

by potcorn » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:07 pm

Doogain wrote:
l33tplaya97 wrote:
PanTheSatyr wrote:How does Horde expect people to get to 60 if they are camping all the 50's everywhere? That's one sure way to ruin the server. Good job, Horde.

I got camped for hours sometimes by alliance
its a pvp server deal with it nerd

Calling people nerd? Lol'd. Congratulations on your 13th birthday.
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Re: Such a Shame

by Royko » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:10 pm

beercow wrote:
Royko wrote:
varth wrote:You guys are just beyond stupid, you are trying to tell me you can't find ANYWHERE to grind without being ganked? 100% bullshit, ill bet you 10g that you could grind the bug tunnels in ungoro, the ogre cave in searing, ect ect. I got killed well over 15x in Blasted Lands by the same lvl 60 paladin doing reckoning bombs, did I make a crybaby post about it? No I found a corner and grinded.

The fact that someone has to find a remote spot to grind really sucks the fun out of playing. Original vanilla wasn't like that. Sure, there were ganks, but nothing like here. I'm glad I got 60 before it got really bad. I wanted to level an alt, but now there's no way I will.

Original Vanilla wasn't like what? Tons of endless grinding? Incredibly repetitive and mind-numbing? You must be thinking of another game. Just be glad the gaming community has learned as much as it has since mmorpgs became popular because else you'd still be a lvl20 scrub with white gear and no idea where to go.

And yea there are more people on the server so the ganks are more common, but take it in stride. Any idiot can kill one mob at a time and gather quest items. But trying to do it while constantly looking over your shoulder is exhilarating. And how awesome you feel when you give that 60 the slip like a lone survivor in a city full of zombies. Those are the real achievements. Disagree? Then you were never meant to play on a PvP realm.

TL;DR - no QQ, yes pewpew. Quitters RIP.

Looking over your shoulder for 60s in MC and PvP gear while you're leveling is not exhilarating. It's annoying. PvP servers were fun in Vanilla. The high level and geared ganks sucked then, too, but it wasn't as constant. This one is just tedious and tiresome. Obviously you won't agree since you're on the other side of the spear.

Re: Such a Shame

by beercow » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:11 pm

60 Gnome Lock. What side am I on?
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Re: Such a Shame

by Royko » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:12 pm

Fine, then disregard the last part. But the rest remains. Most people don't enjoy getting farmed for honor without being able to fight back while trying to level.

Re: Such a Shame

by beercow » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:20 pm

spicynugz wrote:* edit: upon reading my post, i realize that the possible recourse for horde pugs getting crushed is to form premades, and that the answer to camping is banding together. to paraphrase lazermon in another thread, working together is really the only way to defeat the aggressors we face in our respective scenarios. however, the negativity and divisiveness within factions serves as a barrier to affecting change in this regard. so, at this point, barring the handful of times people actually work together, there is precious little one can do to improve their situation. those sitting at the top rarely see the issues of those struggling below them as relevant.

Wasn't this the whole point though? Grouping together exists in vanilla like nowhere else simply because it needs to. And you have to admit, ganking was totally the point when devs made the game. If not, then WvW wouldn't be a thing. There would only be BGs where players of appropriate lvl could square off. And then why even have factions other than lore reasons? Could kick it like guild wars and just BG to fight random players without faction.
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Re: Such a Shame

by beercow » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:23 pm

Royko wrote:Fine, then disregard the last part. But the rest remains. Most people don't enjoy getting farmed for honor without being able to fight back while trying to level.

I agree that not everyone enjoys it. But then why join a PvP server? I know it's the only choice here (for now at least). But you still can't join and then harp on about how much you hate PvP servers.
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Re: Such a Shame

by Royko » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:25 pm

Because 1) as you said, only choice here, what else is there? and 2) because we enjoyed pvp servers in the past and either since grew out of it or just don't like the environment of this one.

Re: Such a Shame

by spicynugz » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:27 pm

beercow wrote:
spicynugz wrote:* edit: upon reading my post, i realize that the possible recourse for horde pugs getting crushed is to form premades, and that the answer to camping is banding together. to paraphrase lazermon in another thread, working together is really the only way to defeat the aggressors we face in our respective scenarios. however, the negativity and divisiveness within factions serves as a barrier to affecting change in this regard. so, at this point, barring the handful of times people actually work together, there is precious little one can do to improve their situation. those sitting at the top rarely see the issues of those struggling below them as relevant.

Wasn't this the whole point though? Grouping together exists in vanilla like nowhere else simply because it needs to. And you have to admit, ganking was totally the point when devs made the game. If not, then WvW wouldn't be a thing. There would only be BGs where players of appropriate lvl could square off. And then why even have factions other than lore reasons? Could kick it like guild wars and just BG to fight random players without faction.

i'm not saying the game should change; my solution is simple, yet impossible: people should be nicer, and less selfish. if you're asking "why?" in regard to this statement, then all i can do is laugh.

Re: Such a Shame

by Retix » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:30 pm

l33tplaya97 wrote:deal with it nerd



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