Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Mimma » Fri May 29, 2015 4:52 pm

The only cry babies I see here are PVP wannabe's, ganking low levels and NPC's.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Throe » Fri May 29, 2015 4:53 pm

Alliance do that and no one complains. There were 2 rogues sitting in stealth waiting for the FM for hours (I have seen this happen a few times so have my guildies), but no one really gave a shit because this is a PVP server. Personally, the last 3 times I have gone to Grom'gol the FM has been dead. If this isn't considered griefing then I fail to see how killing Guard Thomas is.

But these things should be allowed it's what makes a PVP server a PVP server. If myself or any other Horde have a problem with it, they can kill the other players. The same solution can be applied to Nain or Tucker. The problem is people would rather sit in IF or complain here than be proactive about it.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Pottu » Fri May 29, 2015 4:55 pm

mandingo wrote:hahaha my post got removed nice admins

I double checked moderator logs and there is nothing concerning you or your posts from the last six hours. Perhaps you mean this post:
that you posted in the Old Forum Avatars thread? It seems to belong in this thread instead.

There will be an update regarding this issue in our Terms of Use in due time but for the time being, please use common sense.
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