An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Pride » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:15 am

cya in 3 months, nerdz.

(nobody will miss u btw)
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by nervous » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:15 am

milkribs4k wrote:You act so outraged about having spent your time collecting welfare and playing a video game 16 hours a day, but you see this work you have put in isn't worth anything while the skill and work the devs have put in into making this server could have been used instead to earn them actual money but they have chosen to instead provide this free and unprofitable server to you. You seem to believe you are a righteously outraged customer when you are merely the ungrateful recipient of an expensive gift.

Outraged is a bit of a strong word. We wrote this message for the benefit of the raiding community (one you seem to hate on ad nauseam, do you ever tire of straddling NOPE's cock?). There's been a complete lack of communication between the administration and the raiding guilds, and people should know what the score is before they invest a lot of time into this server.

No idea where you're getting the welfare thing though, speaking from personal experiences? I don't blame you, I heard european NEETs live extremely well. Best of luck to you, forum user too cowardly to use their in game name.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Funkazaur » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:18 am

Well, I doubt any other servers aka Corecraft will be any different and neither will it have no flaws. Every private server ends up the same with a lot of similar problems. I get why ppl decide to leave, but going somewhere else expecting something magical and perfect is kind of like fooling yourself, since it won't be any different. Also what's the point then starting something, investing good amount of time into it and then leaving somewhere else to start all over again, it just seems like a complete waste of time IMO.

PS: AV release was shit.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Jindo » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:18 am

You could've realised this like 2 weeks in though. I did at least. I was in D&T on my rogue and then when the MC no loot/essence quest happened I already quit. It had enough ''faults'' to count it as a failed server already. Some IRL friends wanted a vanilla server to PVP on and hence I came back, I guess just PVP in general is working decently. Apart from the lag, it is quite enjoyable. Wouldn't dare trying somewhat close to serious pvp, not worth the effort ^_-. I also avoid AV like the plague, because its PVE-oriented and thus bugged as fuck, as everything in PVE is.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Shadowbox » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:24 am

Some fair points in here, well made. I think that GRIZZLY probably got screwed by making such quick progress - the devs hadn't tested MC fully and weren't ready for a guild to go in and smash it so quickly. Fair play to you, you got to 60 quicker than most other people on the server, stocked up consumes while you had the zones to yourselves, did all the sensible stuff that you can make plans for if you've levelled on a lot of vanilla servers. The devs and admins were mostly likely fixing the issues caused by the ridiculous population all trying to level at once rather than concentrating on the endgame loot, so you got shafted by being the first to get there. You were the pioneers who took nothing but arrows to the backside while everyone else lagged along behind you. It's unfortunate and unfair, and I'm sorry that it happened to you.

I'm going to bring this up because I'm the sort of person who wants to know the truth and who believes in honesty. I can't allow shit to be talked when I don't consider it to be justified and I have heard so much speculation and untruth around this - someone is wrong on the internet and I have to educate them. With this said, I'm not even sure what the gospel truth is any more when it comes to Zetox getting ported to MC that night. I'll say what I know, though, in the interests on full disclosure. Now that the bug has been fixed, I will freely admit that we (the warlocks in Exiled at the time) knew about the summon bug and we did try to use it on several occasions to get Zetox in - for those not aware, you used to be able to target a person in your instance who wasn't in combat, summon them and then switch targets to the person you really wanted to summon after the cast is complete to bypass most of the checks for the target not being in the same instance. As far as I was aware, that is how we got Zetox into MC - he managed to spam click the accept button when he somehow got out of combat for a second. When Koopa said "we have our secret weapon" on Vent (as was streamed out by Rottix in the days before he learnt to sit in a different channel or put Vent through a virtual audio device) I still believe that the summon bug is what he meant.

However, in spite of all this, it's become clear to me since this event that there are people in the guild who do know more than they're letting on and who just aren't being honest with the rest of us about the truth, whether it's to save themselves or someone else, I'm unsure. I don't know who those people are and I still don't know the real identity of the GM that we (allegedly but likely) had in the guild, but I will say that I was pretty disgusted to find out that there might have been some kind of foul play or preferential treatment involved with regard to Zetox. You can say what you like, call me a shill or a shitlord, I don't care, but I never wanted any GM intervention to solve a problem and I enjoyed the PvP that we had on that night when trying to get Zetox back. It brought us together as a guild and forced us to think outside the box. I made many posts defending Exiled's actions on this forum for the sake of the guild's reputation - to learn that I might have been sold down the river by the officers in my guild knowing more than they let on and leaving hanging me out to dry with my defense annoys me greatly. I will categorically state that I am not the only person in the guild who feels that GM intervention would have been unjustified. I have never deliberately lied to attempt to cover anything up - I just didn't state anything specific about the summon bug previously (although I did allude to it and some people worked that out) because it was still a reported bug present in the game and was waiting for a fix. Now it's fixed, I don't feel that I have to avoid mentioning it any more.

I won't be sorry to learn that some of your core members are leaving - a lot of you have nasty, surly attitudes, a twisted 'sense of humour' and frankly, need to grow the hell up. Your 'trolling' and 'griefing' isn't as funny as you think it is, it just makes you appear sad. Some of you, though, seem like quite decent people and I say this with the utmost sincerity - regardless of individual members, any big guild peacing out is a shame for the server. Exiled too have been suffering from the raid loggers' curse and although the release of AV and the new dungeon loot has galvanised us somewhat, we too are feeling the pain of the broken promises regarding the development schedule. I really hope that the devs can get back on track and keep progress going as intended - the intended release of BWL on the PTR soon gives me faith.

One thing that you might bear in mind (and I'm sure you're already quite aware of this) is that a little humility goes a long way when trying to bend people to your point of view and to claim credit. Nobody wants to acknowledge the achievements of people who are (on the face of it) a bunch of dickbags, whether the achievements are valid or not. I'm sure that I'm pissing in the wind trying to give you advice but I do mean it when I say that people are a lot more willing to respect those who are humble in victory as opposed to throwing it down everyone's throat. Frankly, I don't imagine a lot of people or even GMs have any sympathy for your plight (which is a justifiable complaint) when you approach any dialogue with such a terrible attitude. Tact and diplomacy go a long way when dealing with others, and I'm pretty sure you'd have got more of what you wanted if people liked you more.

All this said, rest in peace. I hope you had fun while you were here.
"When did I find out I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realised I was talking to myself."

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Maldun » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:28 am

1) thank you for making sure we get our loot from Raggi and Ony!

2) cya

3) who the fuck is grizzly?
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Drain » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:45 am

They're complaining about timeline on a private server. (lol)
They're complaining about being punished for exploiting. (lol)
They're complaining about server not being perfectly scripted. (lol)
They're complaining about staff not being perfectly scripted either. (lol)
Basically, it was all a good laugh to me, and I hope the door hits you on the way out. Sorry if that's not the reaction you were going for. But hey, A for effort, as always.

Good riddance. This is a guild full of selfish exploiting elitist jerks (perhaps worst I've ever seen in a MMO) that now wants us to feel sorry for them by trying to create more childish drama as they finally leave the server. Once again they're attacking the staff(whata shock, as this hasn't been first time). Just pack your bags and leave already. Spare us a pretentious sob story that acts as if you were loved or important. No one is even going to miss you. And we aren't all going to quit or suddenly riot because of this either(sorry!). It's the ultimate last(presumably) troll move from this guild, right next to that squat a potty post. You should have put these in your guild section, not make a public display in general.

I'm sure Grizzly will move on over to Kronos or something... where this entire cycle will repeat almost exactly word for word. When you are this much an elitist, nothing will ever be good enough for you, not the people, not the server, not the game.
Last edited by Drain on Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Arael » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:46 am

Funkazaur wrote:Well, I doubt any other servers aka Corecraft will be any different and neither will it have no flaws. Every private server ends up the same with a lot of similar problems. I get why ppl decide to leave, but going somewhere else expecting something magical and perfect is kind of like fooling yourself, since it won't be any different. Also what's the point then starting something, investing good amount of time into it and then leaving somewhere else to start all over again, it just seems like a complete waste of time IMO.

PS: AV release was shit.

Ye, do you think Corecraft will be fixed like they claim? They just gather hype for population. :lol:

Only Kronos had serious fixes, but their rules are a shame.

Anyway, which WOTLK server are you going to?
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by stimz » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:48 am

Maldun wrote:
3) who the fuck is grizzly?

A guild I thought had already quit.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Healthycoww » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:49 am

Did I just read some entitled bullshit? I think I need to bleach my eyes. :mrgreen:
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