First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:59 am

Talesavo wrote:
the horde hunters informed people if they didn't follow they list that would be camped, that's not threatening its a warning.

Not entirely sure if you're joking, or mentally handicapped.

yeah ignore the rest of my arrangement like you didn't get blown the fuck out, hilarious.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Imbaslap » Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:03 am

Mopar wrote:
SloppyBeaver wrote:Excuse me guys, this thread was about me. Can we please get back on topic??

Lol Tyg :).

Guys make no mistake, Tyg is a great tank, and so is Mokie. I wish you the best in your new team.

Tyg needs to stream more.
and drink more cucumber infused water on stream.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:33 am

Badtank wrote:
Talesavo wrote:
the horde hunters informed people if they didn't follow they list that would be camped, that's not threatening its a warning.

Not entirely sure if you're joking, or mentally handicapped.

yeah ignore the rest of my arrangement like you didn't get blown the fuck out, hilarious.

The part where you called me a child and how I should have been beaten more growing up and then made broad generalizations of my overall disposition. All good points, tell me more about how I should have been raised mister forum guy.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:14 am

Talesavo wrote:
The part where you called me a child and how I should have been beaten more growing up and then made broad generalizations of my overall disposition. All good points, tell me more about how I should have been raised mister forum guy.

It's not exactly hard to call out a jumped up prick for what he is. When you threaten someone with a entire raid group over something so petty, it speaks more volumes about you then I could ever say.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by SloppyBeaver » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:44 am

I will definitely stream more when our guild gets settled. I raged today in scholo it was really funny we couldn't kill the last boss because we had no interrupt on the teleport.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by SloppyBeaver » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:51 am

Imbaslap wrote:
Mopar wrote:
SloppyBeaver wrote:Excuse me guys, this thread was about me. Can we please get back on topic??

Lol Tyg :).

Guys make no mistake, Tyg is a great tank, and so is Mokie. I wish you the best in your new team.

Tyg needs to stream more.
and drink more cucumber infused water on stream.

I love this water
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Neptunetitus » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:36 am

Bio-Booster wrote:
Neptunetitus wrote:Just a question for an officers or founders of entitled. Did you really think that having a guild name like entitled would attract anything more than a bunch of douchebags and spoiled brats? Your guild was doomed to failure the moment you gave it such a stupid name. If you really thought that any decent people would join a guild with the name "Entitled", you're a huge idiot. The server is better off without you.

Nothing to see here, just another kid looking to get a jab in, who didn't even bother to read the fucking post.
I don't blame him though, I still don't get the joke the op was trying to make.

Ouroborous and their reform guild are the one that broke up over drama, <Entitled> just sniped 15-20 of their top tier players so we could bolster our ranks, and fill out our second MC raid, which we originally were just planning to do with alts and pugs. We've been (thankfully) more/less drama free since Samsta (lord bless his name) decided to rage quit one evening after getting yelled at for trying to screw over a guild mate on the purchase of a BIS tanking item out of world chat.

We're now running two full clear MC's weekly, with potential to do 3 Weekly Ony's/2 BWL's/ and like 12 fucking ZG raids, if we go that direction.

The fact that these well geared, competent players found it a good solution to shack up with us, should speak volumes about our leadership and stability.

Since you bothered to make your forum name different from your ign, we'll never know what shit guild you're rolling in.

Thanks for your concern, all the same.
I did read the post and I think it's fucked up that some brand new member got the 2hander over an officer that dedicated alot of his time to the guild. All I stated was that a guild name like Entitled is pretty much guaranteed to attract nothing but snooby little brats. No self respecting adult would wanna be part of a guild that has such a douchebag of a name. I've actually grouped with a handful of members from the guild and my experience with them was horrible. They were rude, barely knew how to play their classes and had the worst grammar. The most common phrases they used were top leak, try hard and git his. What a joke...

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:42 am

Neptunetitus wrote: I did read the post and I think it's fucked up that some brand new member got the 2hander over an officer that dedicated alot of his time to the guild. All I stated was that a guild name like Entitled is pretty much guaranteed to attract nothing but snooby little brats. No self respecting adult would wanna be part of a guild that has such a douchebag of a name. I've actually grouped with a handful of members from the guild and my experience with them was horrible. They were rude, barely knew how to play their classes and had the worst grammar. The most common phrases they used were top leak, try hard and git his. What a joke...

Things that happened for 200 alex. If guild names matter to you, you are far and beyond a fucking adult. Top. Kek.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:53 am

Badtank wrote:
Talesavo wrote:
The part where you called me a child and how I should have been beaten more growing up and then made broad generalizations of my overall disposition. All good points, tell me more about how I should have been raised mister forum guy.

It's not exactly hard to call out a jumped up prick for what he is. When you threaten someone with a entire raid group over something so petty, it speaks more volumes about you then I could ever say.

Oh, like how Biobooster threatened my guildmate with the Horde camping him so he could never get his Rhok'Delar petty? Or is this a different kind of petty? Holy shit, do you even read what you're writing.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
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