Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Cousy » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:47 am

cookiemonster212 wrote:I too would appreciate someone from the Nost team to comment about this, where their stance and what they are going to and planning to do.

I'm just saying, it would not be fair to "ninja ban" both hunters (solo) and all PuG members who split pull Gordok. If you decide to go that route, an announcement would be appreciated before slamming the ban hammers.

While you're at it, you should look into split pulling Emperor of BRD Kappa. Yes I'm serious, groups are able to split pull emperor easily while the princess is bugged. inb4 ezmode Ironfoe farmers cryfoul.

...are you serious? They already did.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Holmes » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:48 am

did ppl get banned for splitpulling king back then pre the 1.9.3 fix?

i highly doubt anyone will get banned here
tho i'd like to see things fixed, atleast as far as our current patch status is

oh and really expecting a GM response here is a bit of naiv. i highly doubt that will happen too :P

the bug and exploit here is kinda semiliar to this: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=17633
no GM response at all, yet this is a bug that had never been in WoW(?) and so did not even needed get fixed in a later patch
Last edited by Holmes on Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:10 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:05 am

Considering what the GMs here will ban you for w/e, wouldn't surprise me if they throw darts at random to ban us just cus.

Some of the shit is genuine, but then again, track records becoming pretty communist and out of hand for others where warning or temp ban would've fitted just fine with the ToU's.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Ohr » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:10 am

The problem is, that the same GM told me yesterday that they'll ban me for doing it, while today he told another hunter that they are not banning anyone for doing it.

Think I'll just stop bugging GMs with this issue and just do it without the split pull for peace of mind. I don't mind longer runs anyway, we'll see if and when they post anything about this.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Kil » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:53 am

So is this another one of those cases where people are gonna get warnings / bans for stuff that wasn't warned or banned back on retail vanilla?

Listen Nost devs and staff and GMs and whoever runs this place: it's your server and you can do whatever you want with it, but if you're gonna ban people for stuff that was not bannable in retail vanilla you need to spell it out crystal clear in your ToWhatever that it IS a banable offense on this server and give people a warning or two before the hammer comes out.

People put a lot of time into their characters and it would be (and is) extremely uncool, unfair, other words of a similar nature, to lose it all by doing something that was not bannable on retail vanilla. Especially if you guys are still claiming that "blizzlike as possible" title.

We can't read minds. If it wasn't bannable on retail vanilla, we assume it's not bannable here. If it is, spell it out crystal clear for us. We won't do it anymore.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Arucado » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:04 am

Does this really give 100g per hour? I don't believe it...
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Xylon666Darkstar » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:29 am

Depends on drops + personal skill/speed of runs per hour.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Proctologist » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:45 am


Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.

Hunter + Priest PvE/PvP PoV.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by cookiemonster212 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:56 am,UKoo6iz#1

So i personally sent a ticket in to ask a GM and I got this reply.

Looks like all clear for now until they announce that it is not allowed...

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Ohr » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:34 am

Did some non-split pull runs last night on stream. Takes about twice longer and is quite annoying.
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