Jurary wrote:Seems like all these hunters are using an average of what DMT is making per day including the days after the fix cuz the amount is going down every day. DMT was 100+g a run and Mara less than half of that. Delusional crybabies.
Are you completely retarded? Where did you get 100+g a run from soloing tribute? Average was perhaps 15-20g for one run, an average run (after the split pull fix) was about 16-18 mins (unless if you are full MC geared, it would be quicker)
Let's break down the "gold" we were making.
These were the prices at the time hunters were still farming.
Per run
1 x Lesser invis pot - 2g
1 x Large Seaforium Charge - 1g
1 x Frost Oil - 80s
1 x Thorium Widget - 70s
So we've spent nearly 5g on mats to do the DM run already.
The gold we were making was very good but it wasn't massively easy for most people to do since the split pull method was fixed.
There was always RNG to, you could get Boss + Chest loot which equaled to 6g, or sometimes equaled to 30g.
Realistically you were making 100g an hour if you were lucky, but a random bit of server lag or a crash could wipe you and put your gold per hour down a lot, this happened frequently, if this happened after you used your invis pot which was the most expensive, it was quite annoying, or after a server crash you would have to start over again since the courtyard door would be locked without a keychest.
I hope I have educated you on the matter since you seem completely clueless.
YES the split pull fix stopped hunters from making stupid amounts of gold, but since they stopped that it hasn't been that insane for gold farming, especially since a lot of hunters weren't good enough to do the new technique.