world chat

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Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:27 am

NicolasMage wrote:Because the channel is community made, you don't need it and there was never ne in retail Vanilla. Don't like it? Either stop being a dick to the channel "owners" (Don't tell me you werent a dick to them, as that would be impossible to believe based on your current reputation) or just don't use it, there's plenty of other channels.

And no, I don't give a monkeys about your freedom of speech or your "Murican constitution". That load of rubbish doesn't apply here.

It's very widely used INSTEAD of the default channels for MANY purposes.

What exactly is your mental defect? You should try to find out, it's extremely apparent in everything you say.

Re: world chat

by NicolasMage » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:17 am

The irony is strong in this one.

If you want people to like you, stop being such a massive cunt.


Whatever the purpose, the channel isn't default and wasn't in Vanilla. In Vanilla it was a community run chanel, just as it is now. The owner of that channel (I.E the people who started it) are free to do whatever they please with it. Was it not you who was preaching about freedom?
Last edited by NicolasMage on Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: world chat

by Whiplashy » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:24 am

The authorities in the world chats are not always the best, but they are indeed community made. Suck it up. I was also banned once, god knows for what reason. I had to whisper the dude to unban me. He said he did it for "the lulz". He wasn't even gonna unban me it seemed. But it's all worked out. I also got muted 24 hours for joking about the channel announcements and i get to suit myself. That was funny, but stupid. "[Whiplashy]: has joined channel."

If you think about it, it's basically the same as in a guild. The one that creates it, also creates the rules. And if you don't want to abide by them you have to find another guild. You can't ask staff to be officers in player made guilds either just because you disagree with how they moderate.

Also, QFT:

NicolasMage wrote:Because the channel is community made, you don't need it and there was never ne in retail Vanilla. Don't like it? Either stop being a dick to the channel "owners" (Don't tell me you werent a dick to them, as that would be impossible to believe based on your current reputation) or just don't use it, there's plenty of other channels.

And no, I don't give a monkeys about your freedom of speech or your "Murican constitution". That load of rubbish doesn't apply here.
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Re: world chat

by riq and snog » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:54 am

Pls make 1 world for both fractions together... the gank flame hate trolling and overall concept of grief while slaying pixels is insane
riq and snog
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Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:58 am

NicolasMage wrote:The irony is strong in this one.

If you want people to like you, stop being such a massive cunt.


Whatever the purpose, the channel isn't default and wasn't in Vanilla. In Vanilla it was a community run chanel, just as it is now. The owner of that channel (I.E the people who started it) are free to do whatever they please with it. Was it not you who was preaching about freedom?

Isn't that advice that people tend to give you whenever you post your pathetic, nonsense, whining SJW bullshit all over the place?

Re: world chat

by Drain » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:17 am

Why don't you just use a separate channel, like, I don't know, LFG, for groups?
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Re: world chat

by bellerophon » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:18 am

ganjitsu wrote:
popezaphod wrote:People who use hate speech should be subject to Nostalrius's Terms of Use, which involves warnings, temporary bans, and permanent bans for repeat offenders. I understand that the devs have bigger fish to fry, but unpunished hate speech makes it look like Nostalrius approves of such language and views and gives a very bad impression to people signing onto the realm for the first time.

So grow the fuck up, people.

Here come the basement people talking their psychotic non-sense about "hate speech".

"Hate speech" is a DANGEROUS idea that everyone with a brain should be fighting with tooth and nail.
It is used by authorities to whitewash people's thoughts and words. It is an insidious enemy to freedom.
There is nothing wrong with having a general opinion about a group of people based on race, religion, or anything else.
Race and religion are complex traits of person, and there are myriad other traits that are associated with these other than "the color of a person's skin" or "what day they go to church".
It's absolutely fair to have an opinion on any of these traits and it's absolutely necessary that people to not face systematic discrimination for having or expressing a negative opinion on anything at all.


Society in general believes that if they convince a majority of the population that "hate speech" is evil that they can justify silencing people who express themselves in this way, or DO WORSE TO THEM.

Everyone should realize that the freedom to express one's self is a prerequisite for the freedom to live one's life.

Any authority that tries to limit a person's speech has revealed itself to be evil. It destroys the freedom of the speaker and steals freedom from those hearing the speaker. The power to judge a speaker should ALWAYS lie with the listeners. Systematic judgement of self-expression steals power from the people and is an insidious threat to the freedom of all. It FORCES people to make up their minds about a thing. It is a GRIEVOUS INSULT to all. It is a statement that the people are too stupid or otherwise incapable of forming their own ideas and that they must be told what to do. It is a statement that what the people think does not matter and that for society to continue they must be told what to think.
This is a certain implication that society is acting against the people's interests.

In an example, if a person is expressing hatred of a certain race of people, the listeners will all judge the person. No authority need intervene. The immediate consequences are sufficient. If the hatred spreads it is justified.

Really what this is about is forcing everyone to get along as immigrants flood into European and American countries and as various people invent new sexualities and advertise them and any number of completely new phenomenon happening in society. It's about preventing people from speaking up about the effects of this. It's about demonizing nationalism and pride in one's native culture.
And above all it is about preventing anyone from stopping these phenomenon for as long as possible.

On this server, who cares if some one 'cusses out' another person in a whisper or group chat setting. This is the internet, not real life. Reading a message is not the same as someone yelling at you to your face. As for the same thing in a public channel, perhaps it should be limited. But you must draw the line and allow people to express their social and political beliefs. If that means they hate Jews, let them say it as long as they can give a sound reason.

Perhaps the server staff are less interested in supporting freedom for all than I am. But if they were wise they would take this opportunity that is given to them by being in a position to control this server to spread freedom, not destroy it. This is a better opportunity than the vast majority of people get to do good.

Hey, I'm all for hate, freedom of speech, and freedom of hate speech, but you seem a bit misguided on a number of points. You say this and that about systematic discrimination and the authorities getting involved, but come on, at least in the United States of America, you can really say pretty much anything you want and you will NOT face and systematic discrimination or get arrested by the authorities. Nazism is legal here, after all. This does not mean that every avenue, for instance a France-based WoW private server, has to allow you to express anything you want. Being kicked from a channel by a random guy is in no way "systematic judgment." To use your own words: who cares if someone bans you from an in-game chat channel? This is the Internet, not real life! No public authority is judging you, and if you really want to express your opinions on the Jewish Holohoax you can always go to some internet forums, provided you're not brave enough to join actual Neo-Nazi rallies (which are legal, by the way).

Also, I completely agree with you that if someone hates Jews, he should be able to voice his opinions, provided that he has good reasons. So next time you make your "hate speech," give us some good reaons! All I see are grandiose generalities and persecution mania, but no concrete arguments.

Another thing: isn't it pretty clear that at least some "people are too stupid or otherwise incapable of forming their own ideas and that they must be told what to do"? I don't see how you can even call yourself a real racist without believing that. Are you seriously so egalitarian as to believe that every person is non-stupid and capable of forming their own ideas?

Re: world chat

by Jackyy » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:39 am

The staff made their opinion clear regarding world chat.

It is a private channel therefore can the current channel owner act as he likes regarding kicks ban and so on.
If you insist on your freedom of speech, spread your "freedom" in trade.
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Re: world chat

by matt » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:52 am

ganjitsu wrote:
Cheemo wrote:You don't need to worry about this now that your banned noob.. Enjoy =)


WOW this guy is amazing!

Thanks for illustrating the reason why you can't leave ANY position of authority to people with no social skills.

Some idiot named Cheemo whispered me bragging about how he has 700g after I commented on the non-sense of the pricing of many items on this server. I /ignored him for being an asshole and then he whispers me on an alt. I ignore that alt and he whispers me on another alt.
"nobody ignores cheemo" ....I think he's being

This is what I was talking about. If you upset any of the fragile egos who are keeping control of the world channel you are banned.

We need to protect world chat. It's very widely used INSTEAD of the default channels for MANY purposes.

I'm still trying to figure out why the server staff thought it was a good idea to let the channel be controlled by players....every other server takes control of the channel for these very obvious reasons..............

lmfao what a dork
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Re: world chat

by NicolasMage » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:26 pm

ganjitsu wrote:
NicolasMage wrote:The irony is strong in this one.

If you want people to like you, stop being such a massive cunt.


Whatever the purpose, the channel isn't default and wasn't in Vanilla. In Vanilla it was a community run chanel, just as it is now. The owner of that channel (I.E the people who started it) are free to do whatever they please with it. Was it not you who was preaching about freedom?

Isn't that advice that people tend to give you whenever you post your pathetic, nonsense, whining SJW bullshit all over the place?

No, the advice I'm usually given is "Stop wasting your time trying to educate stupid people, they simply wont learn".

But what can I say, the "SJW" in me refuses to give in and leave a poor uneducated soul behind.
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