Imbaslap wrote:enjoy your bans btw.
Lets get serious tho..
We have a high amount of respect for guilds not cooperating with shady and cheat-prone gang of scoundrels. Actually, everyone was a tad baffled noticing Winters Chill teaming up with them, seeing as russians are slowly developing into a leading alliance guild and don't really need all the negativity and bad press coming from the other side. Hell, we even get regular whispers from alliance guilds offering their hand in marriage vs their own faction scrubs, fun times.
So out of that respect.. We had absolutely no idea what happened yesterday, same as you. At first, we thought kazzak got stuck in a mountain while a bunch of our players were running away in an attempt to reset him (was alliance/random tag). But then, he apparently despawned in the ground or something. If you had access to our TS, you'd know a lot of us were actually considering abandoning this venture and going back to azshara, but the raid leader was adamant to stay around a little longer.
There were many times in the past where questionable behavior might have been considered, this was not one of them.
Best of luck to you.