[Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Corazon » Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:07 pm

nervous wrote: are you okay?

Me? I'm great. Had a wedding to go to on Saturday, then a nice big dinner with the fam on Easter. How 'bout you?

Astixium wrote: I would kill your lvl 18 alt irl also if it was a hunter or a paladin.

Then you'd go to jail and be everyone's jailbitch, because that's called murder. Though I highly doubt you have the balls to even look at someone the wrong way irl.

OGTUCKER117 wrote: lol u suck lol

That's...it? Frankly I'm disappointed OG, I expected more from you. C -

Garfunkel wrote:Oh, I forgot Redridge. Good point. I also made a typo, I meant Darkshore not Ashenvale.

And you? Atleast OG's posts make me laugh, occasionally. He's nothing but a noisy cockroach, but he has his uses. You? You're a fart in the wind, your arguments not only don't matter, they aren't even entertaining. You're not even a cockroach, you're just nothing.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by picklechips » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:31 pm

ofc I expect you to say DON'T TELL ME WHAT HOW TO ACT AND WHAT TO DRINK CAPS CAPS BAM BAM but cmon dude u suck, don't be so mad, go drink some cat piss

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Garfunkel » Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:26 pm

So that's it? After exaggeration, hyperbole and outright lying, you're now devolving down to petty insults? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Last edited by Garfunkel on Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Krom » Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:51 pm

Over-camping for several hours by a red or skull player is the one and only thing that need to be punished, Blizzlike or not, as done in many others Vanilla servers.

Any other solution is unenvisageable for both PVP and PVE players.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by OGTUCKER117 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:12 pm

Krom wrote:Over-camping for several hours by a red or skull player is the one and only thing that need to be punished, Blizzlike or not, as done in many others Vanilla servers.

Any other solution is unenvisageable for both PVP and PVE players.

lol nope, call in a 60 or some friends if your having issues or log out for a bit
I have camped multiple people for over 6 hours and I will continue to do so. :D
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by bobbyhill » Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:42 pm

Krom wrote:Over-camping for several hours by a red or skull player is the one and only thing that need to be punished, Blizzlike or not, as done in many others Vanilla servers.

Any other solution is unenvisageable for both PVP and PVE players.

Thanks for the laugh :lol:

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Krom » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:01 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:I have camped multiple people for over 6 hours and I will continue to do so.

bobbyhill wrote:Thanks for the laugh

= Why we can't have nice things.
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Corazon » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:01 am

Garfunkel wrote:So that's it? After exaggeration, hyperbole and outright lying, you're now devolving down to petty insults? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Your first response to me in that other thread:

Garfunkel wrote:
Corazon wrote:It becomes serious to those of us who have to manage their time and can't nolife this game because we have jobs, some of us would rather not live in mommy's attic/basement.

Jesus fucking christ your crying is pathetic. I'm 33, have a job AND I'm working on my PhD. So my gaming time is quite limited as well AND I'm leveling as a holy/disc priest which is the second-worst leveling build after prot warrior and very weak in PvP. Plus my PvP skills are somewhere between a spastic retard and an epileptic amoeba.


Have I been killed? Yes. Have I been unfairly murdered while low on health and mana? Yes. Have I been killed by level ?? guys? Yes. Have I been corpse camped? Yes. Still I've managed to make it to level 56 and I even have about 130 HK's from world pvp.

Maybe stop hammering your head against the stone wall after the second attempt didn't break it. Insanity is repeating the same action over and over again, expecting the end result to change. Change the area of the zone you're in, go to another zone, group up with people around you, get help from your guild mates. You know you don't have to ress exactly on top of your corpse? Ress as far away as possible and immediately run away and try to hide. Ask for help in General / Local Defense / World Defense.

Your hyperbolic claims achieve nothing but giving massive boners to the griefers. Ask your wife for a blowjob or jerk off instead or go punch a pillow or something.

Hypocrisy and stupidity detected. I'll tell you one last time, you're nothing. Bored now, thanks for playing!
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Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Untro » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:33 am

Corazon wrote:
Hypocrisy and stupidity detected. I'll tell you one last time, you're nothing. Bored now, thanks for playing!

Oh your tears are so delicious. Let them flow, your boiling blood is what makes pvp the golden goose of frustrated raid kiddies. I hope you have a good time in your upcoming corpse walks, that can take some time. Try yoga or meditation while you wait, it may help with that soreness in your butt :)

Re: [Failed] Petition to change server to PVE

by Corazon » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:57 pm

Untro wrote:[
Corazon wrote:
Hypocrisy and stupidity detected. I'll tell you one last time, you're nothing. Bored now, thanks for playing!

Oh your tears are so delicious. Let them flow, your boiling blood is what makes pvp the golden goose of frustrated raid kiddies. I hope you have a good time in your upcoming corpse walks, that can take some time. Try yoga or meditation while you wait, it may help with that soreness in your butt :)

I don't play here. I play on a private PvE vanilla server, so no, I'm not mad. Speaking of soreness in the ass, were you able to retrieve your briches from yours after your wedgies at school? :lol: Or are you mad because someone called you a fag on your facebook wall? I bet you burn ants with a magnifying glass too.

It's not hard to guess what kind of pitiful person you are, there's many more like you. You're some social reject who gets his ass beat on the school yard and comes home to vent your anger on anonymous people by harassing them in a videogame because you're too much of a pussy to do it in real life.

I used to dunk heads like yours in toilets back in my day, but I have since grown up. I guess I'm partially to blame for your retarded behavior and people like you. Fuck it, still worth it. :mrgreen: So run along, gank and camp as many people as you can, it doesn't make you any less pathetic.
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