Overwhelming racism

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Re: Overwhelming racism

by iheartbenben » Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:40 pm

Ancestor wrote:
iheartbenben wrote:
gzus wrote:GZUS - "I WOULD RATHER PLAY WITH RACISTS." - March 17th, 2015. *THUMBS UP*

Tbh you should stop conflating the arbitrary, indirected use of racial slurs with *racism*. They are obviously intending it for the purpose of shock and humour; for one, racial issues are irrelevant in a game where everyone is anonymous. If you take issue with someone indirectly being a dick then you are being stupid. It's not like they rooted out one of their players and found they were black, and have then started heckling them.

This isn't racism. This is about as racist as banning tauren's from your group because they're fucking cows. It's arbirtary, inane and irrelevant.

And yes, I would rather play with racists too, if the rest of my options were the neo-liberal nazism that you spout. Step back and calm down.

I'll just leave this here.

noun: racism

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
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Re: Overwhelming racism

by Moxey » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:07 pm

you should really stop playing here, you are clearly not mentally healthy.
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Re: Overwhelming racism

by Goodtry » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:12 pm

Ancestor wrote:
Tbh you should stop conflating the arbitrary, indirected use of racial slurs with *racism*. They are obviously intending it for the purpose of shock and humour; for one, racial issues are irrelevant in a game where everyone is anonymous. If you take issue with someone indirectly being a dick then you are being stupid. It's not like they rooted out one of their players and found they were black, and have then started heckling them.

This isn't racism. This is about as racist as banning tauren's from your group because they're fucking cows. It's arbirtary, inane and irrelevant.

And yes, I would rather play with racists too, if the rest of my options were the neo-liberal nazism that you spout. Step back and calm down.

Holy shit lol is this what you really believe

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Hexxd » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:54 pm

iheartbenben wrote:
gzus wrote:that's fucking illegal

"If you can't handle evil words how will you ever make it outside your room?"

That's my entire point. Words aren't just some innane fucking thing, they carry real ramifications in the real fucking world.

Are you saying that their guild chat hate speech is inciting us to kill 6 million black people!?!? Dis is terrible.. Someone call the ADL!

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Draulius » Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:50 pm

There are more guilds with even more "offensive" chats too, but they're not moderated and I don't think they should be. You seem to be the only one getting offended though, so why not just leave? I am sure there are plenty of liberal-friendly guilds out there that you could join.
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Re: Overwhelming racism

by Scoot » Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:53 pm

I agree, we should ban everybody in that guild tbh.

People who have different opinions about things make me SO MAD, I cant STAND when people do that!

Xesterday this being asked xe, "Hey DUDE do you know what time it is?"

Xesus Xhrist I just about popped a gasket, who does xe think xe is by calling me a dude? This sort of harassment and auditory rape CANNOT go unpunished!


Re: Overwhelming racism

by badfox » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:19 am

aquita wrote:Hello forum and server admins. I don't know where to contact you about this problem so I decided to try here. I play a rogue on this server and is currently leveling up.
I was spam invited by a guild called "Meme Team", they didn't ever stop invite me so I gave up and just accepted the invite. So here is the first problem, how do I report spam? (I just realized I could probably just have ignored the guys).
Now to the topic, there are some really disturbing hate and racism going on in this guild chat and I really wanted to report this but I don't know where. I understand that in a guild chat you should be able to write about anything taht the guild desire (freedom of speech) but that is not the case, I didn't chose to join this guild, they spammed me (forced me to either join the guild or constantly have the Accept or Decline window in the middle of my screen at all time). Here is cut together print screens from the chat that I unwillingly have to read (only text that was not the guildchat was cut away):
I know that some people don't know how to find joy in none-hate related jokes, but there are forums for that kind of racism, normal players shouldn't be forced to read this crap.
As a white 20 year old male I was not directly offended by this but this was still not pleasant to read. I hope you admins/mods can do something about this so everyone can enjoy this otherwise very nice server without having to read the hate of some random depressed people.

Best regards!

giff me a fucking break man

best troll post ever

Re: Overwhelming racism

by honuk » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:29 am

this server is full of racist trash that cry and whine the second you call them out on anything and suggest they stop acting like children and have a bit of personal responsibility. the best part is they all say you'll 'never make it in the real world' or are 'mentally unstable'--and yet none of them would ever try any of this shit outside of the internet, because they intrinsically understand that the people outside of their shitty little bubbles won't put up with their garbage. which is why they're here to begin with.

Re: Overwhelming racism

by gzus » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:31 am

honuk wrote:this server is full of racist trash that cry and whine the second you call them out on anything and suggest they stop acting like children and have a bit of personal responsibility. the best part is they all say you'll 'never make it in the real world' or are 'mentally unstable'--and yet none of them would ever try any of this shit outside of the internet, because they intrinsically understand that the people outside of their shitty little bubbles won't put up with their garbage. which is why they're here to begin with.

wahhhhh mommyyyyy, people are being mean on the internet!!!!

lmao @ u bitch boy
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Re: Overwhelming racism

by OGTUCKER117 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:32 am

gzus wrote:
honuk wrote:this server is full of racist trash that cry and whine the second you call them out on anything and suggest they stop acting like children and have a bit of personal responsibility. the best part is they all say you'll 'never make it in the real world' or are 'mentally unstable'--and yet none of them would ever try any of this shit outside of the internet, because they intrinsically understand that the people outside of their shitty little bubbles won't put up with their garbage. which is why they're here to begin with.

wahhhhh mommyyyyy, people are being mean on the internet!!!!

lmao @ u bitch boy

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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