hunter pets do way too much damage

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: hunter pets do way too much damage

by Metukka » Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:27 pm

pettanko wrote:
auk wrote:
DPS: At 60. "High" is around 54, "medium" around 50, and "low" around 47.

Unbuffed with marksman spec:

My level 60 wolf has 63 dps with the +25% happiness bonus.
63/1.25=50.4, wolf dps is medium.

My level 60 cat has 68 dps with the +25% happiness bonus.
68/1.25=54,4, cat dps is high.

It is blizzlike.


So lvl30 pets hitting for the amount your pet is supposed to is blizzlike?

Re: hunter pets do way too much damage

by Teence » Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:15 pm

pettanko wrote:
auk wrote:
DPS: At 60. "High" is around 54, "medium" around 50, and "low" around 47.

Unbuffed with marksman spec:

My level 60 wolf has 63 dps with the +25% happiness bonus.
63/1.25=50.4, wolf dps is medium.

My level 60 cat has 68 dps with the +25% happiness bonus.
68/1.25=54,4, cat dps is high.

It is blizzlike.


According to the guide that was linked, your wolf is supposed to have around 3700 armor. GIven that he has 4500 armor, which is over 20% more than he should, it's reasonable to infer that DPS numbers for pets are also way off.

May I ask why you're dividing the listed DPS by the happiness coefficient? I was under the impression that happiness factored into the assumed DPS by default. Also, given that Joana's pet in the video posted earlier melees for 30-40 on average against whelps, which are low armor targets, I doubt that that number quadruples between levels 43 and 60, especially considering she was specced BM and you're Marks.

Case in point: that video with that level 60 Marks Hunter PvPing on Warsong. Her pet, a wolf, melees a PvP target for ~50-55, including the AP buff from Hunter T3. Level 35 Hunter pets on Nost are meleeing for 60-70+. Warsong's values might also be incorrect since it's a private server, but they're significantly more in line with what's shown in the Joana video.

Re: hunter pets do way too much damage

by Clank » Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:19 pm

The cause of the bug has been identified and will be fixed in the following days.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard


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