Really disappointed with the server.

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Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by dominoeffect » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:18 pm

Sakuraba wrote:I disagree with OP - i feel Nostalrius is way ahead oof 95% of other vanilla-realms already, and they are in its infant state. Just the fact they can handle a load of 7-8000 people is extremely impressive.

With that said, some of the "fanboys" needs to change their attitude here. While i understand that you are only trying to look out for the server, no one is helped by your rude and endless imitation of bagdad bob.
Pointing out flaws and bugs will lead to massive improvements.

Yes, Præisten, I'm talking about you. :) (among others)

If the admins are on top of exploits, griefing and bugs, this will be my home for many years.
If they start to neglect the server and/or start to act childish and corrupt, it will quickly go to shit. (look at feenix)

Overall i am having a blast, and hopefully it will keep getting better.

you really believe the actual population is 7,000 - 8,000?

Hint: it's not, mangos only supports 1.5k-2k before it has problems.

Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by varth » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:40 pm

You guys are all insane. Considering the incredibly complexity of WoW this server is fantastic. Maybe if you retards actually played retail on release you would know that retail was way worse than this, and that was Blizzard ffs. Sure there are bugs but none of them are really that crazy, and the devs have shown time and time again that they are fixing the bugs.

Get the hell out of here if you are really disappointed with such a polished FREE server that supports conservatively 3000 people at once. Makes me sick to read how butt hurt you are about such small things THAT ARE BEING WORKED ON.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by azreal313 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:42 pm

varth wrote:You guys are all insane. Considering the incredibly complexity of WoW this server is fantastic. Maybe if you retards actually played retail on release you would know that retail was way worse than this, and that was Blizzard ffs. Sure there are bugs but none of them are really that crazy, and the devs have shown time and time again that they are fixing the bugs.

Get the hell out of here if you are really disappointed with such a polished FREE server that supports conservatively 3000 people at once. Makes me sick to read how butt hurt you are about such small things THAT ARE BEING WORKED ON.

Again I must say, how is people literally getting free loot from the final boss of a raid on a server that claims to have excellent scripts a small thing? That just sounds like we've been lied to.
I masturbate to the hate.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by DrunkenEnvy » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:46 pm

alucard001 wrote:- Hunter pets imba damage.
- Retaliation dodged attacks dont activate overpower.
- Some bugs like SM or Alterac valley bugs on their path and stay stopped behind pilars or walls (although their focusing you).
- Visual annoying bugs like fishing one.
- Ragnaros bug which has been exploited by NOPE. (and meavy grizzly too, im not gonna focus on this now)
- Worst client assitance ever seen. (They prefer to delete tickets instead answer).
- Mobs which are not allowed to swimming they do.
- Learning abilities can make you lose the gold and dont learn the ability.
- Rollbacks every day (some people already lost BoE epics and didnt receive anything back)
- The most toxic community i ever met in any private server.

Hunter pets were fixed, you're imagining it.
Alterac Valley isn't even released?
Idk about some fishing visual bug.
Ragnaros was bugged for 1 day, they'll fix it fast.
I got assistance with tickets, idk about you. Maybe you asked stupid shit.
The druid issue? yeah, 1 talent is bugged. that could use fixing
Rollbacks, yep. Since the hardware update, didnt they say there would be no more rollbacks?
That's because there is a community you monkey lol.
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Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by pakao » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:47 pm

can u stop spaming azreal?
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Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by Orcduck » Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:26 pm

I'm having a lot of fun here.... decent population who knows how to work together in groups/dungeons, and no bugs major enough to break the game experience.

I feel sad for all you people who don't play, but all you do is complain. Accept the fact there never will be the "ideal" vanilla server, and remember Nostalrius is not even a month old.
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Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by Relearn » Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:40 pm

azreal313 wrote:Again I must say, how is people literally getting free loot from the final boss of a raid on a server that claims to have excellent scripts a small thing? That just sounds like we've been lied to.

If you expected 100% blizz-like scripts on a private server than I have a bridge to sell you. 9/10 Encounters in MC are fine, and rag was fine week 1 for us. They fixed some of his animations and his add spawn points and broke his ranged attack, shit happens. I bet it will be fixed before you ever pull him.

Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by popezaphod » Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:44 pm

dominoeffect wrote:you really believe the actual population is 7,000 - 8,000?

Hint: it's not, mangos only supports 1.5k-2k before it has problems.

I've used Census+ every so often to see what the distribution is like on the Alliance side. Right now, barring the ~200 or so 60's, the rest of the population is in a bell curve. So unless these "bots" are leveling....
"Well, Zaphod's just this Pope, you know?
Ember - Druid - <At Your Service>

* WoW: Open Beta through intro of BC, then back for WotLK and left before Cata*
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Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by Life » Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:44 pm

We at Nostalrius are sad to see your disappointment with us. An announcement will be posted on the forums soon that will explain future plans for Nostralrius Begins. Have patience.

- Life

Re: Really disappointed with the server.

by Ivina » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:42 pm

Don't worry Life, you are all doing a great work!

Nobody except tards expects the staff to be perfect. Nobody except tards actually beleive in unpunished exploit stories without decent proofs.

Plus, the forum is all of a sudden spammed of complains and shit, from at most 10 accounts, right a couple of days before another server's launch.

If not clear enough:
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