Corazon wrote:Congratulations! You leveled in dungeons. What do you want? A medal? A PhD in what? Child Psychology? Please say yes, that would make my day.
Congratulations, you don't know the game you're supposedly playing! If you did, you'd know it's pretty much impossible to level purely through dungeons. But sure, keep the ad hominems rolling, they will certainly convince other people of the validity of your stance.
Corazon wrote:There is so much straw in this argument I could feed a full stable of horses for a year. You're right, it is insane trying to play a game where you're ganked/camped/GY camped again and again. This server is triple overpopulated, there is no "another zone" because of that, and grouping only goes so far, I don't care how many 35s are in your party that 60 is going to kill and camp all of you. Guild mates? Shit, I can never find someone to craft something for me while they're in the same town, guildies are fucking lazy. Ress far away? What, 40 yards? I imagine his 60% mount will still catch me, bro.
Again you do nothing but show that you don't know what you're talking about,
bro. A group of 35's can kill a 60, you just need enough of them. While STV is gankfest central, Desolace meanwhile was quite peaceful - obviously there was fighting there as well, but nowhere near the same amount as in STV. Same with Arathi and Alterac. If your guild sucks, maybe consider switching to another one? If I never got any help from my guildies, that's what I would do. But no, instead of helping yourself, you come to the forums to cry and whine which, as I said, just gives deep satisfaction to griefers.
Corazon wrote:Judging by you "TALKING LIKE THIS!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" you seem to be the one who's mad. Calm down with the punctuation, bro. You're currently at 11, I'm gonna need you to dial it back to about a 4. Maybe your wife could give me a blowjob? Whaddaya say? I'll even pay her for it. How does 5 bucks sound?
Weren't you supposed to be a big grownup man with a full time job and everything?
Dudebro, you're the one coming across as a mental 15-year old. Did you bang my mom too? Accusing others of being basement dwelling kids and then behaving exactly like them - just see your later posts to OGTUCKER - isn't really doing you any favors.