Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screenshots!

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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Tinkertown » Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:26 pm

A list like this including people who very arguably did nothing wrong. How could that possibly make a thread a cancerous cesspool?

Im frankly surprised noone tried to clean the list up and try to make a real ninja thread. Oh right. Photoshop exists. That is impossible.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Bazinga » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:14 am

duds wrote:He had to run back in because of combat bug.. Whilst he was doing this the goblins box had an epic hide of the wild pattern in it, im the only one who had Tribal LW but Sacredpoop ran up and took it and by the time Imbajohn (the 2nd best rogue in our guild) had got back in and went to collect the ring from the trib box the box had vanished.

So he turned his key? If so i see nothing wrong in looting his box. Dunno if i missunderstand you there, but seems more like your 2nd best rogue actually ninjad the ring from tribute while he was on the way back?!?

Shweeb wrote:
some holy palading needing briar reed?..

Class knowledge boys.

It's actually a good trinket for hpallys. I rolled against another one too, though i won :mrgreen:
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by PriestInOurTime » Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:47 am

It is a good trinket for any healer in certain situations. Namely fights that are short and intense, i.e virtually any of the harder pre-raid fights and even some raid fights.

Casters claiming prio over healers on such items in PuG's baffle me. If the same group was running the instance over and over (as guilds do in raids) then it makes sense to give players for whom the item is the most useful most frequently priority. But when you run with different people all the time then the low prio people would end up never getting it since you'd always get new casters in your pugs who still need the trinket.

Thus a healer should feel no shame in rolling on the reed.
Pristine realms... Industrial levels of stupidity.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Two » Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:41 pm

I wonder how that trinket scales with holy damage for tank Paladins. If it does, then this would actually be a primary Paladin item, because no other class could use it in so many situations. ;)

On the other hand I feel that many people do report anyone for ninja-looting just because someone rolled on an item they wanted to have. It happened to me yesterday as well on a Deadmines run, where I needed Cookie's weapon for a Paladin and immediately equipped it because it was a major upgrade compared to what I had on, yet 4 people instantly put me on ignore because "Healer rolling for dps gear?? OMG!" I wonder how these people imagine "healers" leveling up.

Maybe there should be some incentive for people to not report everyone as ninja-looter, because those people are equally disruptive to the community as the real ninja-looters. Hate grows where hate is sown. However I don't have any idea on how to do that in a fair manner.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Talryx » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:23 pm

I don't get why this is so complicated:

Don't need roll excessively. For an average instance, that means TWO NEED ROLLS TOTAL.

BOP - You better not need roll unless this item is for your class.

BOE - If you can use it, feel free to need roll, but again don't do it excessively.

Don't even bother asking if you can roll on something "for your alt" - seriously go fuck yourself. In the face. Your "alt" can run the instance for its own items.

There are a few exceptions... like if the tank is the only melee char in the group, and you just keep getting rare drops for like mail armor and shields, then by all means he should need roll his ass off - but after like the second one he should be communicating with the group to make sure people aren't getting rubbed the wrong way. A simple "mind if I need this?" goes a lonnnngggg way...
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by keharia » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:50 pm

Talryx wrote:I don't get why this is so complicated:

Don't need roll excessively. For an average instance, that means TWO NEED ROLLS TOTAL.

BOP - You better not need roll unless this item is for your class.

BOE - If you can use it, feel free to need roll, but again don't do it excessively.

Don't even bother asking if you can roll on something "for your alt" - seriously go fuck yourself. In the face. Your "alt" can run the instance for its own items.

There are a few exceptions... like if the tank is the only melee char in the group, and you just keep getting rare drops for like mail armor and shields, then by all means he should need roll his ass off - but after like the second one he should be communicating with the group to make sure people aren't getting rubbed the wrong way. A simple "mind if I need this?" goes a lonnnngggg way...

Why are you posting your dungeon etiquette guide here?

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Talryx » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:58 pm

keharia wrote:
Talryx wrote:I don't get why this is so complicated:

Don't need roll excessively. For an average instance, that means TWO NEED ROLLS TOTAL.

BOP - You better not need roll unless this item is for your class.

BOE - If you can use it, feel free to need roll, but again don't do it excessively.

Don't even bother asking if you can roll on something "for your alt" - seriously go fuck yourself. In the face. Your "alt" can run the instance for its own items.

There are a few exceptions... like if the tank is the only melee char in the group, and you just keep getting rare drops for like mail armor and shields, then by all means he should need roll his ass off - but after like the second one he should be communicating with the group to make sure people aren't getting rubbed the wrong way. A simple "mind if I need this?" goes a lonnnngggg way...

Why are you posting your dungeon etiquette guide here?

Probably because half the thread is about people arguing over proper rolling behavior, dipshit? Try to keep up
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by djriot » Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:55 pm

Bramblewood (at least bramblesomething): need rolls on gems and other frivolous stuff, doesn't DPS (he's a rogue) and stands around running aggro all over the room.

Sadly I didn't care enough to take screenshots, but it did rub me the wrong way.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by mousepad » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:52 am

rogue and mage friend roll need on all the loot(mage cant even use maces or mail either)

best of all rogue is still using red defies mask and has no armor(as in literally took the chest off)
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by winterstorm » Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:22 pm

The guild leader airo, of <Thunderfury Claimed>, has stated that needing items against other players for the sake of vendoring the item is ok. I actually explained to him that his guildie, and personal friend, stole loot from the group twice. The first time we gave him the benefit of the doubt, but it was clear he was ninja'ing and trolling the group.

Airo responds that it is ok to roll need for gold.
need mean u can need it for money - airo2.png
need mean u can need it for money - airo2.png (140.44 KiB) Viewed 1425 times


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