Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by macgarthur » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:21 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
Sojourn wrote:
Cfred wrote:After reading this i will be camping lowbies all tonight.

Epic. Simply epic.

Honestly most of the horde in these threads come across as "hardcore" 15 year olds who started playing wow in wrath and want to overcompensate for all the super leet badass griefing people talk about from vanilla and tbc they missed.

lol stay bad, alliance kid

Point proven.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by DarkPhenomenon » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:28 pm

Great, as someone who doesn't give a rats ass about pvp I couldn't be happier to hear more alliance quitting. Less pain leveling and more raiding options.

Good bye Alliance!

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by danker » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:32 pm

DarkPhenomenon wrote:Great, as someone who doesn't give a rats ass about pvp I couldn't be happier to hear more alliance quitting. Less pain leveling and more raiding options.

Good bye Alliance!

I like the cut of your swaggy jib sir! Just for you I will be ganking lowbies all night tonight and generally making their play time miserable.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Cfred » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:37 pm

Sojourn wrote:
Cfred wrote:After reading this i will be camping lowbies all tonight.

Epic. Simply epic.

Honestly most of the horde in these threads come across as "hardcore" 15 year olds who started playing wow in wrath and want to overcompensate for all the super leet badass griefing people talk about from vanilla and tbc they missed.

Wish i was still 15. I'd be ditching school playing wow and jerking off x6 times a day.
Oh the life I once had.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Giver » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:38 pm

I threw up in my mouth a little bit when OGTucker joined my guild and considered gquitting on the spot. You aren’t liked in either faction and I would love to see more videos of you getting ganked.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by OGTUCKER117 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:44 pm

Giver wrote:I threw up in my mouth a little bit when OGTucker joined my guild and considered gquitting on the spot. You aren’t liked in either faction and I would love to see more videos of you getting ganked.

ty for the love baby
ur a qt3.14 never forget that
xo xo
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Cfred » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:44 pm

Giver wrote:I threw up in my mouth a little bit when OGTucker joined my guild and considered gquitting on the spot. You aren’t liked in either faction and I would love to see more videos of you getting ganked.

We are privileged to have him in convulsion.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Giver » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:47 pm

Cfred wrote:
Giver wrote:I threw up in my mouth a little bit when OGTucker joined my guild and considered gquitting on the spot. You aren’t liked in either faction and I would love to see more videos of you getting ganked.

We are privileged to have him in convulsion.

lol, I think we have different definitions of that word :)

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by OGTUCKER117 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:56 pm

Cfred wrote:
Giver wrote:I threw up in my mouth a little bit when OGTucker joined my guild and considered gquitting on the spot. You aren’t liked in either faction and I would love to see more videos of you getting ganked.

We are privileged to have him in convulsion.

It is an honor to be in convulsion.
some people in the guild hate me but what can i say, haters gonna hate
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Arise » Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:04 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
Cfred wrote:
Giver wrote:I threw up in my mouth a little bit when OGTucker joined my guild and considered gquitting on the spot. You aren’t liked in either faction and I would love to see more videos of you getting ganked.

We are privileged to have him in convulsion.

It is an honor to be in convulsion.
some people in the guild hate me but what can i say, haters gonna hate

Morons gonna be hated.
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