Such a Shame

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Re: Such a Shame

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:33 pm

Retix wrote:
l33tplaya97 wrote:deal with it nerd


farming level 50 ally right now as we speak 8-)
im the best

Re: Such a Shame

by beercow » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:35 pm

spicynugz wrote:
beercow wrote:
spicynugz wrote:* edit: upon reading my post, i realize that the possible recourse for horde pugs getting crushed is to form premades, and that the answer to camping is banding together. to paraphrase lazermon in another thread, working together is really the only way to defeat the aggressors we face in our respective scenarios. however, the negativity and divisiveness within factions serves as a barrier to affecting change in this regard. so, at this point, barring the handful of times people actually work together, there is precious little one can do to improve their situation. those sitting at the top rarely see the issues of those struggling below them as relevant.

Wasn't this the whole point though? Grouping together exists in vanilla like nowhere else simply because it needs to. And you have to admit, ganking was totally the point when devs made the game. If not, then WvW wouldn't be a thing. There would only be BGs where players of appropriate lvl could square off. And then why even have factions other than lore reasons? Could kick it like guild wars and just BG to fight random players without faction.

i'm not saying the game should change; my solution is simple, yet impossible: people should be nicer, and less selfish. if you're asking "why?" in regard to this statement, then all i can do is laugh.

There you go! Laughing is the key. Don't forget to laugh next time you get ganked and don't know how to express your feelings.

For real tho, people are nice. Find a group. I'm in a guild full of people that group up together to survive and occasionally deal it back to the horde. And we all help lowbies and other alli when we see them gettin rekt, but no one is going out of there way to help everyone. Go give money to beggars in SW.
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Re: Such a Shame

by spicynugz » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:40 pm

i'm not sure why you feel the need to inject your posts with random sarcastic remarks, but it makes you seem unnecessarily angry. you seem to think i'm here to vent or something, but i'm just trying to express what i see as the problem, and the solution. trust me, i rage in-game hard sometimes, but here i try to formulate my thoughts in a sensible manner.

Re: Such a Shame

by Rahza » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:43 pm

Can i have your character?

Re: Such a Shame

by Psychic » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:52 pm

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Re: Such a Shame

by nervous » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:00 pm

spicynugz wrote:i'm not saying the game should change; my solution is simple, yet impossible: people should be nicer, and less selfish. if you're asking "why?" in regard to this statement, then all i can do is laugh.

>plays a game called world of WARcraft
>in a universe where genocide is encouraged
>thinks people should play nicely in war

Thanks for the shitposting tips 4chains, you've really upped my game.

Re: Such a Shame

by spicynugz » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:18 pm

nervous wrote:
spicynugz wrote:i'm not saying the game should change; my solution is simple, yet impossible: people should be nicer, and less selfish. if you're asking "why?" in regard to this statement, then all i can do is laugh.

>plays a game called world of WARcraft
>in a universe where genocide is encouraged
>thinks people should play nicely in war

Thanks for the shitposting tips 4chains, you've really upped my game.

this is another asinine argument people bring up. they focus on the word "war" like it excuses people for being shitheads. i don't expect inter-faction relations to be carebear; i've just been saying more people should work together towards a common end. if you've found a place where people do that, then good for you.

i'm sure you enjoy using this forum as a platform for gloating and trolling. as a result, you are part of the problem. try to be less horrible in the future, you will feel better about yourself in the long run than the short spurt of elation you feel after shitting on somebody else. judging by your signature, you regard yourself as something of a personality around here. use your powers for good, friend!

edit: i eagerly await your careful dissection of my post, certain to point out contradictory elements. perhaps you can bring up me calling you horrible as contradictory to my stated goal of being nicer to others, or something to that effect. maybe an irreverent insult to add some pizzazz to the affair?
Last edited by spicynugz on Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Such a Shame

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:20 pm

spicynugz wrote:
nervous wrote:
spicynugz wrote:i'm not saying the game should change; my solution is simple, yet impossible: people should be nicer, and less selfish. if you're asking "why?" in regard to this statement, then all i can do is laugh.

>plays a game called world of WARcraft
>in a universe where genocide is encouraged
>thinks people should play nicely in war

Thanks for the shitposting tips 4chains, you've really upped my game.

this is another asinine argument people bring up. they focus on the word "war" like it excuses people for being shitheads. i don't expect inter-faction relations to be carebear; i've just been saying more people should work together towards a common end. if you've found a place where people do that, then good for you. i'm sure you enjoy using this forum as a platform for gloating and trolling. as a result, you are part of the problem. try to be less horrible in the future, you will feel better about yourself in the long run than the short spurt of elation you feel after shitting on somebody else. judging by your signature, you regard yourself as something of a personality around here. use your powers for good, friend!

even in darkshire :)
im the best

Re: Such a Shame

by Præisten » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:42 pm

Today we were two parties in Redridge killing lowbies over and over again. Then we moved to Darkshire and STV to make the game even more miserable. Then we decided to farm some honor. We moved to Searing Gorge and camped alliance at the flightpath there for 1 hour - some victims were even killed 10 times before they gave up.

We saw in the worldchat, that a fellow horde was killed twice by a noob hunter in Ungoro. We decided to help him out. The hunter was a lvl 52 dwarf - an easy target and good honor. After camping him for 30 min he logged of.
We then moved to the flightpath to camp some allies. They didn't even get a chance to come off the gryphon.

I play about 12 hours a day. 7 hours I spend ganking allies. This server is great.

Also. Alliance leveling is fine.
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Re: Such a Shame

by nervous » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:47 pm

spicynugz wrote:
this is another asinine argument people bring up. they focus on the word "war" like it excuses people for being shitheads. i don't expect inter-faction relations to be carebear; i've just been saying more people should work together towards a common end. if you've found a place where people do that, then good for you.

i'm sure you enjoy using this forum as a platform for gloating and trolling. as a result, you are part of the problem. try to be less horrible in the future, you will feel better about yourself in the long run than the short spurt of elation you feel after shitting on somebody else. judging by your signature, you regard yourself as something of a personality around here. use your powers for good, friend!

edit: i eagerly await your careful dissection of my post, certain to point out contradictory elements. perhaps you can bring up me calling you horrible as contradictory to my stated goal of being nicer to others, or something to that effect. maybe an irreverent insult to add some pizzazz to the affair?

It's too hard for me type up a wall of text when I have such a raging hardon after reading your tear laden post


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