You piss and moan more than anyone on these forums, so you really don't have the right to judge me.Badtank wrote:Neptunetitus wrote: I did read the post and I think it's fucked up that some brand new member got the 2hander over an officer that dedicated alot of his time to the guild. All I stated was that a guild name like Entitled is pretty much guaranteed to attract nothing but snooby little brats. No self respecting adult would wanna be part of a guild that has such a douchebag of a name. I've actually grouped with a handful of members from the guild and my experience with them was horrible. They were rude, barely knew how to play their classes and had the worst grammar. The most common phrases they used were top leak, try hard and git his. What a joke...
Things that happened for 200 alex. If guild names matter to you, you are far and beyond a fucking adult. Top. Kek.
And honestly, I could care less about the name of the guild, as it affects me in no way. I'm simply stating that the guild name it's self is more than likely to attract people with loss poor attitudes, rather than decent players who are mature and no not feel entitled to everything. I bet hanging out in a raid or guild chat is just pure cancer.
You're probably one of the spoiled brats who belongs to the guild. It makes perfect sense, seeing as you your self act like your entitled to everything and do nothing but complain every single day on these forums.