Setup wrote:Pretty much all the classes are way better because they have 1.12 talents.
There's a small handful of items that shouldn't be in the game that are, but for the most part, things are rolled back appropriately.
There's a small handful of 'bugs' and balance changes that occurred on retail that haven't been recreated here. (Combat rezzing, jujus for alliance, etc.)
For the most part, I would call this realm an excellent recreation of vanilla. Superior in some ways, even!
Calling them 1.12 talents is slightly misleading, even if not intended as such. It makes it sound like talents got a huge buff in the very end of vanilla. That simply wasn't the case, it was a slow process and they started with the classes that they thought were in most dire need of trees that made more sense.
1.6 (BWL patch)
Warlock talent trees revamped
Warrior talent trees revamped
1.7 (ZG patch)
Hunter Talent update
1.8 (Green Dragon patch)
Druid Talent update.
1.9 (AQ patch)
Paladin Talent Revamp
1.10 (Tier 0.5 patch)
Priest talent revamp
1.11 (Naxx patch)
Mage adjustments and talent revamp
Shaman adjustments and talent revamp
1.12 (Cross-realm BG patch)
Rogue adjustments and talent revamp
While I'm sure that there were fixes and small buffs along the way that slightly boosted output, when people talk about the 1.12 talents, one should know that a lot of classes had those talent trees for the vast majority of vanilla.