Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by W0007 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:55 pm

All we need is a staff member to shed light on this once and for all and close this thread.

Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by Ivina » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:19 pm

W0007 wrote:All we need is a staff member to shed light on this once and for all and close this thread.

How? By posting "no we didn't tricked the counter"?
People who post those lies won't log in and see by themselves those are lies, so why would they be calmed down by an admin message?

I prefer admins to focus on scripting rather than losing their time here. That could even be the actual purpose of such threads.
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by Uro » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:24 pm

GM confirmed server fake n gey, an meni numlock bots running into walls
Moo.. Moo.. Moo.. Swoop Hits me... so Hard.. makes.. me..feel.. Not so good..
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by Uro » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:27 pm

imma make new tread were I can confirm the fake n gey an tha nostalrius is controlled by illuminati and aliens
Moo.. Moo.. Moo.. Swoop Hits me... so Hard.. makes.. me..feel.. Not so good..
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by eotrampage » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:32 pm

Grim wrote:This is slowly getting out of hand. I believe I can speak for everyone who is enjoying their stay here when I say that it might be the time to start permanently removing these people (like OP) from Nostalrius. We don't need the amount of toxicity witnessed on other forums.

Why because they expose the truth? Fuck you and people like you
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by mrmr » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:39 pm

Uro wrote:GM confirmed server fake n gey, an meni numlock bots running into walls

Uro wrote:imma make new tread were I can confirm the fake n gey an tha nostalrius is controlled by illuminati and aliens

You are really adding nothing to the discussion, other than fanboyism and trolling.
Your 10+ replies were really not needed.
Please, refrain to add more nonsense in this thread.

OnTopic I believe that the OP method is quite right.
He also shared source-code for it and if you have a bit of knowledge about these things, you would know his results are legit.
Sure, he wasn't covering the totality of Elwynn Forest, but I'm confident someone else will cover it fully (using a counting method very similar to this one) reporting back such findings.
I'm not root of myself.
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by Ivina » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:40 pm

mrmr wrote:OnTopic I believe that the OP method is quite right.

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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by eotrampage » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:42 pm

Storm wrote:The nostalrius release trailer had 40k views when the server launched. Assuming 12.5% of the viewers logged in at launch that would make 5k players that are probably consistently playing.

rofl... are you even serious?
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by Allora » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:43 pm

Mrmr you're always pretty retarded and shit at wow so don't talk
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Re: Nostalrius Online Players Scam? 2.0

by Lobogo » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:43 pm

so, someone made all these tools, made 11 chars (or was it 12?) to supposedly cover whole elwyn
yet he forgot that south is the quest heavy zone of elwyn, with all the farms and the mine/murlocs there,

so tell me, why did this guy who as it seems really tries to prove something could not be arsed to make another 4-6 chars to really cover the whole zone? why he failed so bad? was it on purpose? because i dont believe guy with his knowledge would be so stupid as to not cover the quest zones of elwyn (the zones where mobs are insta killed after respawn)


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