Crispin wrote:rotten wrote:simppi wrote:i dont get what ppl are so mad about, its my own decision if i wanna reserve something and if ppl want that item they can just make their own grp or find a grp that doesnt have that item reserved.
im not gonna do 40 emp runs for ironfoe and then lose it to sum rogue who is doing his first run.
We are mad because you have no right to employ such selfish/greedy tactics. it is this type of solo-centric mentality that crippled wow retail. This is an MMORPG... it is a GROUP effort-not a single player game. All should have the right to roll on whatever items they feel fit to. Who are you to decide that items can be "reserved". This mentality is frightening and is the major contributor to why WoW has fallen victim to such scumbaggery over the years. this current generation and their me me me mindset. Instant gratification has no place in vanilla! I, for one, will NEVER take part in any "item reserved" grps...I suggest everyone else think for themselves and let reason decide.
Beautiful and I could not have said it better myself.
About a year ago I tried my first private wow server, feenix tbc. It was a lot of fun, but I was shocked when I found about the reserved nonsense. It was everywhere and it just messed up some of the mentality by playing a mmorpg. I pray I never have to experience that on this server, it really is a disgusting and worrying development.
I do understand that people who have never or rarely experienced this trend do not understand why it's such a problem. And looking at it outside of everything it may not sound like an issue at all. But it is, it's doing something with people and the way they think and act. It's a disease for a mmorpg game. If this thing catches on I think most of you will understand what I mean.
No, I don't understand what you mean, I've been playing this game since late Vanilla, and I've always ALWAYS seen groups that were reserving items. And you know what? I just didn't go on that run if that was the only item I wanted from that dungeon. If there was other loot in the dungeon I was interested in, I'd usually say, "oh well" and go on the run anyway.
I mean, any run you go on, there's always a chance that the item you want just simply won't drop. And yeah, that removes one more item from the loot table, IF IT'S EVEN SOMETHING YOU NEED/WANT, but big deal?
I mean, I feel like you people have to be trolling on this issue. There is no possible way you guys can look at the alternative, which is excluding classes that can use the item you want, and think THAT is the better alternative.
I mean, the other alternative is everyone trying to be a fucking care bear and just take whoever, but I've never met a single player in this game that is going to take a class that will be taking his/her gear that they want. They make groups that can't take their items, or they reserve specific items. The reserving is the better choice, and if you somehow can't see that... you're on the back side of the bell curve buddy.