azamous wrote:whitekidney, honestly lol. it was all going good until I browsed through ownedcore and saw you mentioning the term 'gold shop' - please stop baffling everyone with bullshit, you know of an exploit and you have friends that use that exploit, tbh I was wondering how people had epic mount already.
just sad.
If I can singlehandedly troll the majority of the Nostalrius community then I'd say this community is already long-lost.
I honestly do not understand why people are so riled up about this, exploits and bugs are nothing new, not in the private nor retail versions of WoW - Emerald Dream's economy was ruined by one person in a matter of days. Do you see them crying like babies because of it?
Nostalrius is nothing special and you should not treat it like it is some special gem, there is nothing special about this server and there will never be.When I first read about this server about a year ago I had high hopes, I had tried out Emerald Dream earlier and all of the bugged quests and mobs really cut the deal for me.
Unfortunately Nostarlius has not lived up to the hype that they have created and anyone who actually played vanilla should see this.
We did MC today and Paladin gloves dropped for a horde raid, when I levelled my pet disappeared twice ( literally deleted ), there are a high number of missing quests, the troll protector dropping again and again from the slime bags, pets being able to attack non-pvp flagged players, Un'goro quest items dropping in Searing Gorge, Pets not being able to attack players not in LOS, zones that is literally missing 50% of its mobs (dustallow marsh) -
There are way too many stock mangos bugs on this server. All of these bugs could have been avoided if they did
proper QA / beta testing prior to release and there is nothing to indicate that they did this. This server is nothing but a over-hyped mostly-stock mangos launch with some of the more 'obvious' private server bugs fixed and people seem to ignore this. Why? Population hype? I don't know.
The staff weren't even bothered to go through the PUBLIC bug tracker of other servers ( emerald dream ) and fix bugs that were reported there.
This whole project just reeks of amateur / lazy work. You have literally the same bugs on ED working on Nostalrius.You also have a retarded amount of fake players listed in /who - this has been proven.
The Nostalrius community has also inherited every inch of
toxic-behaviour from other servers, you have people openly race-hating and bashing people for little to no reason, in-game and on the forums and this is purely the staff's fault. They say the 'world' chat is a player created channel and thus should be player moderated.
Do they have any idea how player-created channels in WoW work? You
CANNOT effictively moderate a GLOBAL chat - there is a REASON for why Emerald Dream made it a level 30+ ( or something ) channel.
The fanboys will hate me for this rant and they'll throw shit like they always do, I let the ignorant ones continue onto their path of disappointment or maybe they will just blindly ignore it like they usually do.
The nostalrius staff has never responded to criticism and most of the threads that mention any criticism is quickly locked or pruned due to trolls or fanboys that shits themselves at first sight of any bad words about nostalrius.
Nostalrius is no special turd, stop polishing it.
Also, I
<3 you haters.