Kleigon wrote:
Well, that could easily change, if there's enough demand for it and if the population keeps going up. They are in a VERY tough position right now. They are having terrible latency issues, that aren't directly connected to your ping response time. The population is steadily increasing and it's only getting worse. If they can't get their hands around this problem, they will have a difficult decision to make. Do they risk losing people if the latency issues persist, or do they open up a new realm. If they open a new realm, how do they encourage people to migrate over? If they make the new realm PVP, there's almost no incentive to move over. You're just giving up all the time you spent on your character to go to another realm that is the same as the one you're on now, but [hopefully] less lag. Or if they make a PVE server, every single person who wants to play on a PVE realm will move there.
So the question is, how many people want a PVE server? I would definitely start up a new character there, not sure if I would move over full time, though.
The fact that the population keeps increasing on a PvP server is a sheer testament as to why they wouldn't want to create a PvE server. Why should they? There is another PvE server out there. Why don't the people that like PvE go there? I'm not sure about the scripting of the server but PvE fans will rejoice.
I don't think you're understanding this long term. Kronos is just around the corner, and some people will move there. That is inevitable. They will like the fact that Kronos is far less populated and migrate there. I think the devs took this into account and deliberately are not making another server. Kronos will take some population and there will be a a lesser population (by what amount, who knows yet) here for sure. It might not be a drastic decrease, but there will be a decrease. Anyone that thinks otherwise is naive.
If you're worried about the latency issues, think long term. In 5 months do you think we'll still have such a high population? I don't think so. Hate to play devil's advocate, but this population surge is from the hype. I don't think it's long lasting on their current hardware. They are currently trying to update hardware to handle more players and they will probably make more measures to accommodate all players on one realm.