PVE server

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: PVE server

by Shiggs13 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:35 pm

Kleigon wrote:
Well, that could easily change, if there's enough demand for it and if the population keeps going up. They are in a VERY tough position right now. They are having terrible latency issues, that aren't directly connected to your ping response time. The population is steadily increasing and it's only getting worse. If they can't get their hands around this problem, they will have a difficult decision to make. Do they risk losing people if the latency issues persist, or do they open up a new realm. If they open a new realm, how do they encourage people to migrate over? If they make the new realm PVP, there's almost no incentive to move over. You're just giving up all the time you spent on your character to go to another realm that is the same as the one you're on now, but [hopefully] less lag. Or if they make a PVE server, every single person who wants to play on a PVE realm will move there.

So the question is, how many people want a PVE server? I would definitely start up a new character there, not sure if I would move over full time, though.

The fact that the population keeps increasing on a PvP server is a sheer testament as to why they wouldn't want to create a PvE server. Why should they? There is another PvE server out there. Why don't the people that like PvE go there? I'm not sure about the scripting of the server but PvE fans will rejoice.

I don't think you're understanding this long term. Kronos is just around the corner, and some people will move there. That is inevitable. They will like the fact that Kronos is far less populated and migrate there. I think the devs took this into account and deliberately are not making another server. Kronos will take some population and there will be a a lesser population (by what amount, who knows yet) here for sure. It might not be a drastic decrease, but there will be a decrease. Anyone that thinks otherwise is naive.

If you're worried about the latency issues, think long term. In 5 months do you think we'll still have such a high population? I don't think so. Hate to play devil's advocate, but this population surge is from the hype. I don't think it's long lasting on their current hardware. They are currently trying to update hardware to handle more players and they will probably make more measures to accommodate all players on one realm.
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Re: PVE server

by azreal313 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:36 pm

Shiggs13 wrote:
Kleigon wrote:
Well, that could easily change, if there's enough demand for it and if the population keeps going up. They are in a VERY tough position right now. They are having terrible latency issues, that aren't directly connected to your ping response time. The population is steadily increasing and it's only getting worse. If they can't get their hands around this problem, they will have a difficult decision to make. Do they risk losing people if the latency issues persist, or do they open up a new realm. If they open a new realm, how do they encourage people to migrate over? If they make the new realm PVP, there's almost no incentive to move over. You're just giving up all the time you spent on your character to go to another realm that is the same as the one you're on now, but [hopefully] less lag. Or if they make a PVE server, every single person who wants to play on a PVE realm will move there.

So the question is, how many people want a PVE server? I would definitely start up a new character there, not sure if I would move over full time, though.

The fact that the population keeps increasing on a PvP server is a sheer testament as to why they wouldn't want to create a PvE server. Why should they? There is another PvE server out there. Why don't the people that like PvE go there? I'm not sure about the scripting of the server but PvE fans will rejoice.

I don't think you're understanding this long term. Kronos is just around the corner, and some people will move there. That is inevitable. They will like the fact that Kronos is far less populated and migrate there. I think the devs took this into account and deliberately are not making another server. Kronos will take some population and there will be a a lesser population (by what amount, who knows yet) here for sure. It might not be a drastic decrease, but there will be a decrease. Anyone that thinks otherwise is naive.

If you're worried about the latency issues, think long term. In 5 months do you think we'll still have such a high population? I don't think so. Hate to play devil's advocate, but this population surge is from the hype. I don't think it's long lasting on their current hardware. They are currently trying to update hardware to handle more players and they will probably make more measures to accommodate all players on one realm.

The population is increasing because there is nowhere else to go...
I masturbate to the hate.
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Re: PVE server

by Shiggs13 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:42 pm

azreal313 wrote:The population is increasing because there is nowhere else to go...

I think it'll increase at a lesser rate once Kronos opens up. Not trying to boost kronos in any way, but just saying that those fed up with Nost's latency issues will go to Kronos at first because they obviously won't have a high population as Nost yet. Those that have invested a lot of time into Nost already probably wont go anywhere.

We'll just have to wait and see.
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Re: PVE server

by Ivina » Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:48 pm

Hydra9268 wrote:Meanwhile growth on both servers can continue.

This is the important point.
PVE or not, we need a 2nd realm to continue growth.

What will happen with one realm:
- Big ass lags at more than 6k connected.
- No more growth over 6-7k.
- After a while, population may decrease, and it will start from this 6-7k players pool.

What will happen with two realms:
- Less than 5k players on each realm.
- No more lag, less crashes
- Growth can continue and the total pop migth go up to 14k (both new realms have same lag and overpopulation problems).
- After a while, the population from one or both servers may decrease. This decrease starts from a total populaton between 8 and 14k.
- If total population goes under 5-6k, we can merge servers, and have a very populated one again.

In the case of 2nd solution, we keep a larger pool of players and even in case of population decrease, the server can stay for longuer.

PS: don't hope Kronos will allow a shitload of players to go there. They had major lags and rollbacks issues with only 1k5 players. They might have fixed some crashes, but I saw nothing about lags (server performance). Kronos thinks Nostalrius took all their players, and all they try is to have such a good scripting quality that would make some people start again there. They don't realize there are thousands more players that could be interested by vanilla wow and that have never played anywhere yet. I bet on that we will bareerly see any difference on players count here, while Kronos will be overwhelmed with thousands of players. I bet they won't be prepared to handle more than 2k on one realms. What happens next depend on which team first realize it is a good idea to open more realms.
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Re: PVE server

by Shiggs13 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:54 pm

In all honesty, I don't think the dev team at Nostalrius expected such a huge surge of people on their server. I don't think they were prepared to see 7k+ players. Idk if any realm could have forseen this dilemma. While they did what they could to accommodate the population as of now until the latency issues, we can only wait and see what they'll do.
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Re: PVE server

by popezaphod » Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:51 pm

Shiggs13 wrote:The fact that the population keeps increasing on a PvP server is a sheer testament as to why they wouldn't want to create a PvE server. Why should they? There is another PvE server out there. Why don't the people that like PvE go there? I'm not sure about the scripting of the server but PvE fans will rejoice.

I play on Nostalrius because it is a first-class server with a high population. I found one private PvE realm out there and have no idea the quality of the realm. I basically put up with PvP because Nost is amazing overall.

I will be curious to see how things balance out once K comes online. Regardless, I doubt we'll see a PvE Nost realm for many reasons - despite some players wanting one.
"Well, Zaphod's just this Pope, you know?
Ember - Druid - <At Your Service>

* WoW: Open Beta through intro of BC, then back for WotLK and left before Cata*
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Re: PVE server

by Balzzanar » Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:03 pm


Re: PVE server

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:05 pm


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Re: PVE server

by Hydra9268 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:04 am

Not in favor of a PVE server

Præisten wrote:No. Go play Hello Kitty Online instead. That's the game for you.

Allora wrote:No. Go play Hello Kitty Online instead. That's the game for you.

Evertx wrote:No. Go play Hello Kitty Online instead. That's the game for you.

Tosicx wrote:Lol @ PvE server

Grim wrote:@ OP.. you riding past me without me melting your face? hell no!

OGTUCKER117 wrote:lol stfu nerd and l2p

strreamix wrote:and for all you other PVE fanboys, STFU. I wish this forum required in-game names I would camp the shit out of you scrubs.

inb4 "badass" im not a badass im just sick of you all crying every single damn day over THE GAME ITSELF.

inb4 wahhh wahhhh you think ganging up on 1 person with a full group is skill. --- no, i actually prefer 1v1's and i play alliance so i know whats its like to be on the tougher side. and if you are getting ganged up on leave the zone or make a group of your own

inb4 wahhh wahhh you think camping low levels is skill when you are a level 60 one shotting people. --- no, i think that this happens to EVERYONE and you are just the one crying about it. no one says this type of PVP is skill.

wahhh wahhhh i just wanna quest in peace wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhh CRY US A RIVER YOU GRANDMA

i cant take it anymore, what is it about vanilla that brings out the whiniest little bitches of all time?

Elementalist wrote:No.

nervous wrote:Read your signature for my response
*It use to say "Go fcuk yourself"


After 7 pages of replies here's what I've seen. Those in favor of a PVE server have posted intelligent and sound reasons for having one. Those against a PVE server appear to descend into childish behavior not unlike our friend here:


A guilty pleasure would be to see Nostarlius open up a second PVE server just to smite these individuals. Image

The more important reason to have a second PVE server:
  • helps relieve pressure from the server in the form of lag and constant disconnects
  • recreate the vanilla experience for those of us who played on a PVE server at launch

For or against I'm sure we can come to some kind of common ground so that going forward our discussion for or against doesn't need to descend into "HAHA YOU PUSSIES. PVE SERVER LOL" responses. Our community is much better than that, would you not agree?
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: PVE server

by Crichton » Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:42 am

How did you go from having a debate with me in a sound fashion, despite not utilizing logic, OGTucker; To yelling pussy at people? This thread is a display of a downward spiral for you.


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