DM and BWL??

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Re: DM and BWL??

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:23 am

Elaith wrote:Have you not got the hint yet, they dont know!!

Well they posted a schedule, for them to not follow the schedule then not inform us of that would be pretty strange.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by Jackyy » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:48 am

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
Elaith wrote:Have you not got the hint yet, they dont know!!

Well they posted a schedule, for them to not follow the schedule then not inform us of that would be pretty strange.

oh, please.

everyone was aware that the NOS staff was unexpirneced in dealing with a unleashed WoW private server community.
they expected (i am pretty sure atleast) that the first guilds would clear MC & ony not before 5-6 weeks after launch.
therefore, if they stay with this schedule, stuff get faster unlocked then in retail vanilla.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by Elaith » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:55 am

why would they be unexperianced, NOS is a re-released server?

Re: DM and BWL??

by Jackyy » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:05 pm

Elaith wrote:why would they be unexperianced, NOS is a re-released server?

1. the world chat drama.
2. the molten core Grizzly drama
3. the powerleveling drama
4. the bot drama

could name 15 more if u wish.

they could all have been prevented if they know how persons on private server behave.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by Elaith » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:12 pm

do some research maybe? Releasing a product without knowing your core market is poor planning.

Regardless, they would have experianced the pitfalls of the private server scene as Nos is just a re-released server

Re: DM and BWL??

by Ivina » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:18 pm

I think the same.

Most people expected that blizz-like MC and Ony would need weeks before they are cleared, like in vanilla.
That wasn't 2015 reality, when guilds have years of experience with leveling characters and rush first raids.

The Nostalrius staff was used to a tiny community and that's not stupid to think they also got mistaken about how things would evolve on a server with >5k online players. It is even probable when you know that the community management already was the server's weakness in its first version.

If they need to add some weeks to the initial planning, that would be fully understandable (and even desirable).

Anyway, I also hope for more communication from the staff about this.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:54 pm

I find it ridiculous that the Admins, Devs, or even the GM's have not responded to this thread or the multiple threads created about this issue before i made this one, yet they reply to completly irrelevent threads that dont even matter to the server as a whole.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by riq and snog » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:20 pm

U still wont see bwl og:-)
Why do these threads not get answered?
U already stated that u wont quit server even if timeline is not released as planned...
Have you people no faith in the staff community?
do you think they forgot about their own timeline?
Thank you og for reminding them they would have released naxx by accident this week otherwise.
U say other posts are pointless compared to this?
riq and snog
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Re: DM and BWL??

by Zach » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:33 pm

Ivina wrote:I think the same.

Most people expected that blizz-like MC and Ony would need weeks before they are cleared

Who even thought that? Anyone who thought it'd take more than three weeks is delusional.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:44 pm

riq and snog wrote:U still wont see bwl og:-)
Why do these threads not get answered?
U already stated that u wont quit server even if timeline is not released as planned...
Have you people no faith in the staff community?
do you think they forgot about their own timeline?
Thank you og for reminding them they would have released naxx by accident this week otherwise.
U say other posts are pointless compared to this?

U type like a fucking retard and i dont know why u keep sayin i wont see BWL
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