by alucard001 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:28 am
I chose Nostalrius for a lot of reasons.
First, i have to say that i never saw a good community like this, all of you (except grizzlies), and a really good admin.
Second, this server seems like it is looking for the community entertainment. In other hand, Kronos seems like it is looking for money.
In Kronos, there are some features like lock exp , vanity items, which are custom services, these services makes the game no blizzlike (i wouldn't want to see players with a perma skeleton potion, or flame tabard, or things like that), and its obviously that these services are made to get money.
They have one developer, it seems like their community is by far worse, just looking into the posts. They are a twinstar project, this brings bad things, like their players won't be mainly EU, and some.
Besides, i already tried Nostalrius, i had 20 ms playing in game, classes worked fine, with no terrain bugs or lag spikes. Why should i try Kronos (which has mad players who want to destroy nostalrius) when i love this server?
My answer is Nostalrius. I won't even bother on trying Kronos, I just will stay here, with my loved community , my good admin, and my good-looking server.
See you in launch