Kronos announced release date

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Re: Kronos announced release date

by ozzky » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:03 pm

Sargath wrote:WoW. Lots of crybabies here. None of the server has launched yet, and to be honest, the Kronos community seems better right now.

Really? The amount of Kronos trolls around here says it all ;)
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by Wolfera » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:48 pm

really bad news (maybe for future kronos players too). not beacuse im a nost fanboi, but this will divide the playerbase. instead of one decent population, we will get 2 servers with probably low pop.
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by Nain » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:53 pm

Wolfera wrote:really bad news (maybe for future kronos players too). not beacuse im a nost fanboi, but this will divide the playerbase. instead of one decent population, we will get 2 servers with probably low pop.

You severely overestimate them. The worst thing that could happen is Nostalrius failing to defend against DDOS.
† Nain now rests in the arms of our lord. He died a sickly infant at the age of 3 months and 24 days. †
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by JCOLE » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:08 pm

What will happen in result of these "races" is both servers will end up having 500 players each and being half dead after a few weeks.

Re: Kronos announced release date

by Wolfera » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:21 pm

Nain wrote:
Wolfera wrote:really bad news (maybe for future kronos players too). not beacuse im a nost fanboi, but this will divide the playerbase. instead of one decent population, we will get 2 servers with probably low pop.

You severely overestimate them. The worst thing that could happen is Nostalrius failing to defend against DDOS.

let be honest, all the nost guys know about kronos. so just imagine it... if a nost player will find a single bug anywhere in the world "oh its totally buggy lets go to kronos" then "oh its buggy too lets get back to nost" and so forth... totally pointless and it will ruin the gameplay because of the population fluctuation.
but this is only a negative opinion.
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by James Goblin » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:26 pm

@ Wolfera I don´t see it as symetrical at all. I doubt that populations will be even remotely equal, and I would say that you are giving too much significance to Kronos at this point, that is completely unnecessary.

PS Nos vs K is going of fashion, it´s time for Nostalrius vs Feenix threads. We already have some starting to pop up in general discussion :)
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by U.Mirin.Brah » Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:02 pm

Awgad I have just read whole topic. Problem is that there are many biased people. On both sides. Well, more nost ppl ofc (when we are on nost forum.)
Everybody says that Kronos is late? Late for what? Quality needs time. nost's test week showed that its not rdy for launch (based on their promises aka best exp of vanilla etc). Imho nostalrius is launching now otherwise it would be rolled by Kronos ( read more for more reasons.)
So Kronos is not late but nostalrius is overhasted. You can see it also on trailer. Even I could make video nost showed us in few hours.

Talking about number of devs? Show me their names or some evidence I rly cant see it in this non-professional forum.

Another shiatlike comments against Kronos progres bar... where is nosts progres bar? It can have hardly 75%

Everything is for Kronos. I wanted to play on nost but... I discovered Kronos thanks to you guys. And I will wait another month (srsly its no problem for me to wait for better attitude) Nowadays Im playing on cata Twinstar project. And there I can see quality what can their devs provide. So another reason for Kronos.

Next time stop bullshiting about anothers work and look at it without interest in both servers.

Re: Kronos announced release date

by PeaceHammer » Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:06 pm

That Kronos trailer is very impressive! I'll be rolling there on launch day just like I'm rolling Nos on launch day.

Cause all the rampant fanboism is silly. I'll be happy to have 2 decent Vanilla servers.
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by Banezilla » Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:14 pm

James, you're grasping at straws and have proven my point in the process. With the release schedule of both projects I will be testing Kronos one day before the release of Nostalrius, then I'll play Nostalrius. I work full time and have other responsibilities, I'm hoping others can thoroughly test both projects.

I don't think it's very constructive to out me as a Kr fan boy, I'm critical of both projects and have expressed my wishes for the vanilla community many times. I have always been on the fence ever since Kr's response to the release date of Nostalrius and when I noticed where most of the NA pop is going to play.

The vanilla community deserves a blizzlike perfect server, not two rushed projects. And let's face it retail WoW has always had bugs, and that could be considered perfect.

Most of the hard questions that I've asked about the Nostalrius server have been answered with logical fallacies, trolling, and rustled Jimmies. I'm guessing these reactions are from the lack of transparency.
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Re: Kronos announced release date

by LegendaryRonnie » Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:25 pm

Banezilla wrote:Most of the hard questions that I've asked about the Nostalrius server have been answered with logical fallacies, trolling, and rustled Jimmies. I'm guessing these reactions are from the lack of transparency.

Probably because the community was involved more that you would like.In the ideal scenario the developers answer every question but you probably understand why this does not happen.Logical fallacies, trolling, rustled jimmies and lack of transparency are typical internet behavioral patterns these days, I hope I won't have to elaborate on that.


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