How do you guys stand the ganking?

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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by gankestshouldburn » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:05 am

ya i cant take it any more i quit this server cuz of ganking. Say what you want play "how good you want" .doesnt matter made it to lvl 50 and the last 5+ lvl were taking 15 hours. doesnt matter where u go u get ganked over and over and over and over and over.. you walk for 10 mins just to die and walk back... thats not fun. i never gank people ever i hug the ally im nice i help people doesnt matter . 90% on this server are dbags the end

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Mdmadam » Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:45 pm

I play horde side and I've been a victim to the gank numerous times. Usually I get killed by either a group that simply out numbers me or just a level 60 that over powers me. It sucks, yes, it makes you not wanna play sometimes, true, but perseverance is key. Places like STV are always going to be PvP heavy, but for other zones just try to play at a less populated time. Over all though its clear that its not one-sided both factions grief and harass and gank in unfair ways and I'm sure we all have a story to tell.
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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by staggaz » Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:59 pm

Now 29 undead Mage. Because caster and undead was the only reason I gave wow a chance way back when.
I was apprehensive about entering hillsbrad and for good reason. I definitely got wrecked from 20-29. I wasn't camped. But ganked a ton. I spent extra time in silverpine just grinding xp and cloth. Well because I didn't have an option.
Ffwd to Wednesday. That's when I just said fuck it... I'll partake. No option. Kill or be killed. I won't camp and I'd prefer it be 2 levels below me to 3 levels above me. I can't control that though.

Had an epic little battle last night with a 29 rogue by the yeti cave. If I had to guess, he appreciated someone fighting back.

If I afk I expect to come back to a corpse.

I got jumped above tarren mill by 4 Ali's. Barely escaped by slow falling out of that camp.

The runs back can suck. I won't dispute that.

Let's admit. It's both sides. Not just one faction. Like previously stated. It's the circle of hate. Buuut isn't that what horde / Ali are supposed to do?

I vividly remember using under water breathing on my lock grinding mobs to avoid ganking in hillsbrad years ago on retail. Painful yes.. Does it fully immerse you in game, yes. I knew what to expect going into this.

The world is alive as it should be. I haven't been this fully immersed in game and fiending for it since prob tbc.

If you're getting camped... Calmly say where / how many / and level if you can in general. I've yet to see an instance where horde or Ali didn't come help out.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Viorus » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:02 pm

Dust yourself off and try again!

If you suspect foul play (somebody map hacking / tracking you down) appeal them.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

"Strive for greatness."
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Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Naturheiler » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:08 pm

Thorium point for alliance is hilarious, every time i fly there, there are 2-3 level 60's waiting.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Lifat » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:11 pm

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Don't let the door hit you on the way out snowflake carebear. Ty for your miniscule contribution in attempt to ease the server lag from overpop though!

I don't see how you look at my post and get "Snowflake" and/or "carebear"... I merely stated that I was leaving the server because the ganking was so numerous. I didn't state that the PvPers were playing it wrong.
Honestly, I keep hearing that PvP servers are the only way to go and that people who are PvEers are far outnumbered... But if none of the PvEers are allowed to voice their opinion of course you see it that way.

And to be very honest, PvE servers are superior to PvP servers! Why? Because it gives each individual player a choice! On a PvP server everyone is forced to accept getting into PvP fights. On a PvE server a player can choose if that is something he wants.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by staggaz » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:26 pm

And you're entitled to your opinion...

But.. And coming from a 99% of the time pve server player except my one grind because I had to experience the wpvp...

That shit's not real from a pvp prospective. Contested territory is just that... Contested.

If you were living in an irl war zone, would you venture past your guarded community and have the opportunity to say "nope, I'm not flagged so you can't touch me!" We know the result there.

Not trying to take away from your point but the pvp experience is def not the same when I can flag at will with no repercussions for doing so. Flag, kill you, hide, un flag taunt you.

It's not everyone's cup of tea and I agree getting one shot sucks. But it's part of the game. In this said format.

If someone gives me a free glass of cheap whiskey I'm not going to say fuck you I wanted Jameson. If I don't like it, I'll find what I like elsewhere.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Lifat » Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:10 pm

staggaz wrote:And you're entitled to your opinion...

But.. And coming from a 99% of the time pve server player except my one grind because I had to experience the wpvp...

That shit's not real from a pvp prospective. Contested territory is just that... Contested.

If you were living in an irl war zone, would you venture past your guarded community and have the opportunity to say "nope, I'm not flagged so you can't touch me!" We know the result there.

Not trying to take away from your point but the pvp experience is def not the same when I can flag at will with no repercussions for doing so. Flag, kill you, hide, un flag taunt you.

It's not everyone's cup of tea and I agree getting one shot sucks. But it's part of the game. In this said format.

If someone gives me a free glass of cheap whiskey I'm not going to say fuck you I wanted Jameson. If I don't like it, I'll find what I like elsewhere.

And that is the only valid point of PvP over PvE as far as I can tell.
EDIT: Although I will say this: If people really enjoy world PvP as much as people claim, then how do you loose ANYTHING by making it a PvE server? Presumably everyone who loves world PvP would be flagged all the time.... Right?
And if all everyone did was FAIR PvPing, then I wouldn't mind. But I ONLY see unfair PvPing. By unfair I mean attacker outlevels the defender by a lot, and/or attacker(s) are more players and/or they wait untill you are in fight with mob(s).... These types of fights only have one conclusion: Defender loses. How is that fun for anyone but the attacker? And how is that a meassure of skill? The answer: It isn't! And I have NEVER seen anyone go into a fight in a fair way.
This is a game and it is supposed to be fun. Not annoying or aggravating. Getting ganked is annoying and aggravating.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by staggaz » Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:31 pm

Presumably yes. But the way the game is setup. Vanilla cause retail was changed.

I can run around flagged. But unflagged has the option to take a shot at me. I couldn't even counter spell you until you hit me.. So you get wind up / nuke privileges and an easy first shot.

I think pve and pvp both exist for a reason. Both provide different experiences.

Horde death run in stone Tallon to the peak. Fuckin miserable.

I def understand your frustration but the choice to flag doesn't offer the same live feel. Which is why on retail there were two options (more if you count the rp) and until like wrath maybe, you couldn't transfer a pve to a pvp server. Reason behind it is if you wanted it, you had to endure the bullshit.

I don't think there is a middle road. You either full on love it. Getting ganked, ganking, the choice to let someone lower live, etc.. Or you detest it.
IMHO there's nothing wrong with either opinion. It's just a pvp server.

Re: How do you guys stand the ganking?

by Garfunkel » Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:32 pm

Lifat wrote:These types of fights only have one conclusion: Defender loses.

Nah bro. Defender can also escape or, in few rare cases, turn the tables and win. Obviously if you're 30 and they are 60 there's nothing you can do but, even as a disc/holy priest, I've managed to kill some players who thought they could easily kill me and I've also managed to escape a number of times. And that's what makes world PVP fun and exciting: it's not fair, it's not balanced and it can be surprising.

Lifat wrote:This is a game and it is supposed to be fun. Not annoying or aggravating. Getting ganked is annoying and aggravating.

Do you also write hate mail to Microsoft when you lose in Solitaire or Minesweeper?
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