by prosecutor » Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:28 pm
This lag mostly affect rogues (and obviously the rest of meeles but not as much) that besides the sprint don't have any good mobility ability like charge, or just faster movement speed of feral druid, that can potentially help in avoiding the "out of range" bullshit. Without any speed increasing buffs it is absolutely impossible to vanish->cs succesfully (or any other opener) a moving target, because the enemy player will just move a few yards away from rogue in this time while rogue is "casting" stealth for 2 seconds (at least he can move while "casting" it). This is one of many examples how ridiculous it is right now to play as a meele.
It is an absolute joke to justify such state of absurd things with the argument of high number of player that allegedly is a good thing. Even, if it would be really a good thing by itself, the potential benefits about which I can think of can't out do all the negative effects of gamebreaking lags for meele classes. I think that with the current number of online, the server is in fact overcrowded (it means, stefeman, that the current numer of players is too high, so it is not good as you seem to think, but quite opposite - bad). While exping, almost everywhere you go, you will see a throngs of people waiting only for quest objects to spawn, or mobs to spawn, because there are just too many people in almost every quest places. In the zones where opposite faction has it's towns, you have to fight literally every 30-40 yards (no that, I don't like pvp, because I love it and I am here to play it, but in the current situation, it is just unplayable for me, thus, any confrontation with a half brained ranged class can be at best a draw, where I just can't kill him, due to "out of range"), because the zones are simply overpopulated. These things are consuming incredibly huge amount of time and make leveling very unefficient. So far I have only seen negative aspects of having that big number of players and arguments about people using /local defence and other chats that are allegedly "lively" only thanks to enormous numbers of online players are not really convincing me, to accept current state of things. It sounds like you want to say that everything below 7-9k online feels like a dead server which is an absurdic statement.
About the positives of having that huge number of online players. You find groups for dungeons (if you are clueless enough to not have a decently organised guild) a couple of seconds faster than it would be with, let's say 3-5k online. You find people with certain professions you need a few seconds faster and also bgs pop up a little bit more often. I don't think that these "positives" are a rational reasons to make game unbearable for the 25% of other players. I won't comment any further these relative "reasons" such as, feeling that a world is lively, because it is just silly.