by Tyraeus » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:19 am
See, this bullshit is why I ended up giving up on Feenix, relentless elitist circlejerk over steamrolled content with everyone pretending they're in Nihilum and its still 2005...pathetic. Even after grinding out the mats and getting the Sulfuron hammer, I couldnt BUY my way into a pug to even try to get the Eye because lolret bla bla bla. On a Naxx server, with everyone running about in T3, and these asswipes wouldn't even let me go to MC.
I've never come last as Ret, in fact the few times I managed to get into a raid I did fine... came 12th on Thaddius, 10th on an Ony kill, even with all the crippling core Ret bugs on that server, and while judging Wisdom instead of Crusader... and before anyone says "oh then the rest of the raid were bad", no they were not, these guys were good enough to clear most of Naxx. We burned Ony down in about 2min that night, and a lot of the other ppl in the raid were a lot better geared than I was but I still came 10th. This "stfu and heal" garbage needs to die, it's 2015 and if you need to bully your hybrids and min/max for MOLTEN BLEEDING CORE then your raid group has much bigger problems than a few people playing offspec roles.