First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:15 pm

Talesavo wrote:Except that he wasn't given an option, he was told that if he tried to finish his quest, he'd be camped by the Horde mercilessly. Not my problem Biobooster can't talk to individuals without tacitly threatening them, not a great way to endear yourself to someone you want cooperation from if your opening gambit is a threat.

You are being fucking obtuse on purpose you mouth breather. Bio didn't threaten him, he told him what the horde hunters told him. You in response acted like a child does when a toy is broken or something is taken away from. Flailed your arms about and made vague threats that make you look hilariously foolish. Of course he as not given an option, there was all ready an extensive list at that point why the fuck would all the people working together just let some random shithead with no sense of decency or value come in and steal kills? You are a garbage guild leader, that fact is apparent if you can't understand even that most basic concept.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Imbaslap » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:16 pm

I wonder if there is a priest list for benediction. :o
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by The Shortest Path » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:36 pm

Benediction doesn't have the same respawn time restraints, so I wouldn't imagine so.
The Shortest Path
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:39 pm

Badtank wrote:
Talesavo wrote:Except that he wasn't given an option, he was told that if he tried to finish his quest, he'd be camped by the Horde mercilessly. Not my problem Biobooster can't talk to individuals without tacitly threatening them, not a great way to endear yourself to someone you want cooperation from if your opening gambit is a threat.

You are being fucking obtuse on purpose you mouth breather. Bio didn't threaten him, he told him what the horde hunters told him. You in response acted like a child does when a toy is broken or something is taken away from. Flailed your arms about and made vague threats that make you look hilariously foolish. Of course he as not given an option, there was all ready an extensive list at that point why the fuck would all the people working together just let some random shithead with no sense of decency or value come in and steal kills? You are a garbage guild leader, that fact is apparent if you can't understand even that most basic concept.

Didn't realize you were there for the conversation, oh wait, you weren't. Bio did threaten him, simple as that. If you have proof that suggests otherwise, I'd be very intrigued in seeing it.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Bio-Booster » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:04 pm

Talesavo wrote:
Badtank wrote:
Talesavo wrote:Except that he wasn't given an option, he was told that if he tried to finish his quest, he'd be camped by the Horde mercilessly. Not my problem Biobooster can't talk to individuals without tacitly threatening them, not a great way to endear yourself to someone you want cooperation from if your opening gambit is a threat.

You are being fucking obtuse on purpose you mouth breather. Bio didn't threaten him, he told him what the horde hunters told him. You in response acted like a child does when a toy is broken or something is taken away from. Flailed your arms about and made vague threats that make you look hilariously foolish. Of course he as not given an option, there was all ready an extensive list at that point why the fuck would all the people working together just let some random shithead with no sense of decency or value come in and steal kills? You are a garbage guild leader, that fact is apparent if you can't understand even that most basic concept.

Didn't realize you were there for the conversation, oh wait, you weren't. Bio did threaten him, simple as that. If you have proof that suggests otherwise, I'd be very intrigued in seeing it.

BioBooster > Makes Claim > posts screenshots to back up claim

Talesavo > Makes Claim > asks others to post screenshots to prove him wrong

brb, giving up my godless ways and converting to organized religion.

Just because you can't see the teapot doesn't mean it isn't there, prove me wrong amirite?

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Krah » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:15 pm

Schrodinger's cat applied to this discussion, continue.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:17 pm

You obviously took pics of the convo of me going ham on you, so where's the pics of your convo with the Hunter, you can prove me wrong, here's your chance.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
Senior Sergeant
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Bio-Booster » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:39 pm

Talesavo wrote:You obviously took pics of the convo of me going ham on you, so where's the pics of your convo with the Hunter, you can prove me wrong, here's your chance.

Well if you took the time to actually read my post, you'd have your answer.

The problem is that, I made an assertion, backed it up with the proof I had available, then explained my side of the story.

You made an assertion, backed it up with nothing, then told everyone else, unless they provide proof to the contrary, you were absolutely right, and I'm a big jerk.

Adding on to this, you can clearly see me stating exactly what was going on in my tells to you, so even if I had maliciously threatened your hunter with the impending doom brought on by the might of the horde, the tells I sent to you, should have cleared up any confusion on your part.

Yet, as we sit here, the thread that started 1-2 hours prior to our conversation, is now 46 pages long, and despite some set backs, hunters are getting their quests done steadily.

Any hunter or player reasonably familiar with the quest and/or Vanilla wow in general would've seen this coming down the pipeline weeks ago (like several of us did). As a guild leader, to respond with such narcissistic hostility, to someone trying to organize a system (even if he/she communicated the intent poorly), without taking the time to think about the situation, was very poor judgement in my opinion. Had you or Geist taken a few minutes to evaluate what I was trying to convey to you, or taken a few moments to peruse the thread I alluded to, you would have come to the same conclusion the rest of us had, and he probably would've been done by now.

So if you're still going to defend your stance, in light of the success of the original goal set out by the hunter community, and in light of the screenshots I provided of myself explaining exactly what was going on, while you chewed me out, based what I can only guess was Geist's guild spam that he was getting bullied by some horde in burning steeps and some mean alliance hunter sent him a mean tell, then I'm not sure what else I can do to change your mind.


Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:53 pm

Convenient that you wouldn't keep the whisper logs of your convo with him, he told me over TS that you whispered him threatening that he would be camped and would never get his Rhok'Delar if he didn't join your list, I whispered you with my retort. Show me that you said otherwise, until you do, I'll defer to my guildmate.
Last edited by Talesavo on Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by ritjos71 » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:56 pm

Look at you still whining about a few tells, did Talesavo roll up with a 40 man raid group to screw up your little list of hunters? No? Then shut up who cares, he has nothing to apologize for. Badtank took the liberty to insult him and call him a garbage guild leader you clearly know that it was within his power to gather some folks and do this. I actually wish he did because then this thread would be a lot more interesting.

You clearly went at Tales' guildmate in a way that made him feel like he had to stick up for him. It probably has something to do with you trying to be king hunter with your master list. I dunno maybe it has something to do with the way you went about telling him to wait his turn or you are going to have your horde pals camp him.

Either way you pretty much ended this whole conversation Hunters are getting their shit done, including Geist, no harm no foul... I guess there's still some hurt feelings floating around.


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