Delrith wrote:I would firstly like to say to Whitekidney. You're getting pretty pathetic bro, your rep on this server is ruined and you have officially fucked yourself on this server for being a conspiracy theorist loser.
Secondly, Malthrus, I know for a fact that there is no proof that you exploited. However, I also know that it is physically impossible to do 3 hours per level from 55-60 in vanilla wow unless you get teleported to quest givers/turn ins or you exploit. So my question is, how did you manage to do 3 hours per level?
That's a pretty bold thing to say considering you yourself admit that there's no way he did it in a legit way.
We got screenshots from an alliance player showing Malthrus with the beastslaying enchant. We were also tipped that he was farming bugged elites in silithus. The last we have no proof of, but the GM's confirmed he was in silithus when he dinged 60.
I told you, I don't care anymore, I love players from both sides of the race and I thank them for participating, it was a lot of fun!
If they want to hate, they can, that's fine, they are just wasting their time <3
Most vanilla players knows for a fact that you CANNOT do 3 hours per level from 57-60, it's just not possible. There are not enough quests ( quest hubs ) in the game that possibly gives you the XP/H for this to be possible. The GM's also gave us his ding hours.
If malthrus wants to explain, that's up to him. We know what he did was not legit. That's all I'm saying. Not salty, it's just how things are. We also know that malth was
pretty salty when I was like 2-3 levels ahead of him and I have a picture below to prove this from when I talked to his friend ( Sylonic ) on ally side. It wouldn't surprise me if he resorted to exploiting for winning the race.
The conversation is in Norwegian but he said the following:
"I think he's annoyed by hunters in general and one more thing; he means it is theoretically impossible to win, if you are using joanas, so he doesn't believe he can win"
Feel free to run it through google translate if you want to.