Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof inside.

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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by azreal313 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:56 am

Præisten wrote:
I dont consider feenix project as a realm worth comparing to and how can you compare nost with kronos, when its not even out yet?

Believe me, when I say I have seen what's worth seeing. Kronos is nothing special - even ED is better.

You can't even read forum posts coherently let alone judge the quality of a server.
I masturbate to the hate.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Apinanraivo » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:08 am

Loot from this raggy kill should be removed, that's the least that should be done. They abused a bug to gain items. This is the same as if someone found a chest that respawns right after looting it and farmed that chest for items. Like already pointed out, blizzard banned players for this sort of abusement.

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Avshar » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:18 am

Apinanraivo wrote:Like already pointed out, blizzard banned players for this sort of abusement.

Blizzard cared.
...'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate...
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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Tekko » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:38 am

azreal313 wrote:
"Nostalrius Begins was born, and we worked hard to achieve the polishing of our scripts."
"Scripted Content- We put in a lot of work to assure you get the proper game experience."
"What we offer - Quality Scripts"
Its on the main Nost page at least 3 times.

That says something completely different to what you said...
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by grizlyus » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:51 am

Well this is it for me not coming back unless all lvl 60 getting stripped from their raiding loot

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Fatty » Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:38 pm

Apinanraivo wrote:Loot from this raggy kill should be removed, that's the least that should be done. They abused a bug to gain items. This is the same as if someone found a chest that respawns right after looting it and farmed that chest for items. Like already pointed out, blizzard banned players for this sort of abusement.

Since when is this server following the same rules as Blizzard? I have seen countless abuses and exploits that would be dealt with on retail, but are simply ignored here.

Bugged bosskills, which were the case here were very rarely punished by Blizzard, the only one i can think of was Lich King, but that was an intentional exploit by Ensidia and not a "oh the boss is bugged, lets just keep going anyway" case. They were not banned for exploiting Spell Steal to kill Hodir, despite it getting hotfixed shortly after their exploited kill.
E.g. in early TBC Gruul was bugged to shit, but noone got punished when he got killed without him using Shatter, they simply fixed it as fast as they could.

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by BK2710 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:51 pm

should close the boss till it's fixxed and ban people for intentional abuse, like why wouldn't you ban abusers? It harms the entire server and pushes progression. Be proper gm's for once.
If any, remove the loot.

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by macgarthur » Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:20 pm

This is considered exploiting game mechanics and is 100% bannable. Blizzard would ban entire guilds who would do something like this. You knew about something not working as intended, and exploited it to your own advantage, the only reason this is even brought up was because you got caught, had you not your guild would have continued to do this.

It's amazing how apparent it is with every day how much Nostalrius is sinking. Pre-launch this server seemed like a hero among servers, a server for the people. That just isn't the case. Nostalrius needs to step up and be that server for the people they made themselves look like. You don't allow multiboxing because of the effect it will have on the server and the player base, but you have no issues with stuff like this going on? Ban the players, or guilds involved in these game breaking exploits. When you see someone becoming a gold seller, ban them permanently. When you see things that are destroying the server which is less than 1 month old already, you need to take action, otherwise be prepared to lose the player base to a server who will.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Rahza » Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:48 pm

Shines a whole new light on things and how progression is moving..

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Defiler » Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:19 pm

Everyone from <NOPE> involved in this Raid should get a first "warning", and loot should be deleted.

Even though I can understand that u rly want to kill the boss and be on of the first. But u kept going while it was obvious that something wasnt right. In the Grizzly kill movie it just starts around 2% of Rag, so I dont think it makes any difference here. Grizzly wouldve killed them anyways sooner or later. They are just too nolife not to kill him first.

The <NOPE> kill is a different case. U were hitting the Boss for like 5min without a melee on it. Just to obvious that its buggy, and you would have never killed him with proper scripts.

<NOPE> should apologize to the community for this behaviour and should delete the items on livestream.

Thats what a good guild would do.

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