Szabinger wrote:pinkbloom wrote:one day and 6 hours and my guild is leaving this shithole,cant wait so hyyyyyyyyped!!!!!
GL;HF on the other server.
Don't even answer to this fake user. To be more of a *that other server* shill is impossible. Have a look at his 5 others posts (actually 4, the 5th was deleted by a moderator).
Note: FYI, that conspiracy theory about Nostalrius faking players counts and using bots comes straight from their forums.
There are so much *that other server* shills accounts here that it even becomes funny.
pinkbloom wrote:Theres no way in hell that 4k ppl play,ever heard of botnet?theres max 1k ppl online at all times,devs just making it look like big but its not trust me.
pinkbloom wrote:you guys still playing on this shit server,ahahahahhah you fucking losers,having fun with bots?do you guys roleplay with them?ahahahahah loooooosers,just when you all hit 60 theyre gonna implement donations gear and p2w crap so have fun with that XD looooosers

pinkbloom wrote:so many excuses its not even funny anymore,you guys are living in denial,now that youre all like what lvl 30? 40? and its hard to give up this server right? well guess what you fucked yourself and its gonna get worse every day until you all ragequit XD

pinkbloom wrote:i'm having same issue here,maybe devs should reconsider to disable those bots that takes resources,cut the bots for like i dont know 4k? game should be playable