Larsen wrote:auk wrote:he shouldnt get banned for pickpocketing lockboxes, sorry.
When you find out that this is a source of economy-breaking levels of bugged loot (i.e. 5x Alcor's Sunrazor in a week or whatever), and continue doing it and then selling the spoils, there can be no claim of innocence. He knew it wasn't legit and still did it. It's textbook exploiting.
can't they just, uhh, remove the items?
I don't think this kind of thing should be bannable. i see it as on the same level as the guild who did rag without a tank. sure, it's exploiting faulty game mechanics, but there are degrees of exploiting. it's not like he duped the items.
maybe he did something else, more severe, and that's why he got banned. i don't know.
to give you an example of my thinking: mineral spawns on this server are fucked up. let's say you find a place where large thorium veins spawn at a very fast rate. you farm up 100 arcane crystals in a day and sell them. is this bannable because you took advantage of the faulty spawn rate on veins?