DM and BWL??

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: DM and BWL??

by Funkazaur » Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:25 pm

This thread right now be like

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Re: DM and BWL??

by Metukka » Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:27 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:
Elaith wrote:Have you not got the hint yet, they dont know!!

Well they posted a schedule, for them to not follow the schedule then not inform us of that would be pretty strange.

Maybe you should read the fucking schedule. "As a reminder, this is not a final timeline. You should rather consider it as an indicative timeline." -an actual quote from said post.

Re: DM and BWL??

by riq and snog » Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:30 pm

I cant find moleman!!!!
where is moleman?
riq and snog
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Re: DM and BWL??

by rikukyu » Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:09 pm

It goes without saying that its delayed at this point, i just wonder by how delayed...

Re: DM and BWL??

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:21 pm

Did you all forget them claiming "All content and raids are already scripted so we won't keep you waiting"
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Re: DM and BWL??

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:50 pm

There are admins and GM's on the forums right now. Absolutely ridiculous that they havnt even acknowledged that DM should be out in a little over a week, and if they are delaying the timeline, havnt told us yet
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Re: DM and BWL??

by whitekidney » Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:56 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:There are admins and GM's on the forums right now. Absolutely ridiculous that they havnt even acknowledged that DM should be out in a little over a week, and if they are delaying the timeline, havnt told us yet

We're getting Nostalrustled.
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Re: DM and BWL??

by Ranbo » Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:08 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:There are admins and GM's on the forums right now. Absolutely ridiculous that they havnt even acknowledged that DM should be out in a little over a week, and if they are delaying the timeline, havnt told us yet

I'm sorry, but the staff owes you nothing. This thread is exactly why Blizzard stopped announcing patch release dates, because if it has to get pushed back a week from what they said, even if it was only tentative date, the community gets all upset. The most notice you get about patch releases is a week maybe two if they're 100% on it being ready.

If it's not ready yet or if they found new bugs in testing (which does happen), I'd rather they get everything working properly. Being in the dark about patch release dates is Blizzard like.

Re: DM and BWL??

by Rhauvin » Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:16 pm

Bit of a difference releasing brand new content (retail WoW), opposed to releasing 10 year old content onto Nos that was apparently working 100% according to certain people.

Re: DM and BWL??

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:21 pm

Ranbo wrote:I'm sorry, but the staff owes you nothing. This thread is exactly why Blizzard stopped announcing patch release dates, because if it has to get pushed back a week from what they said, even if it was only tentative date, the community gets all upset. The most notice you get about patch releases is a week maybe two if they're 100% on it being ready.

If it's not ready yet or if they found new bugs in testing (which does happen), I'd rather they get everything working properly. Being in the dark about patch release dates is Blizzard like.

this was said before the server launched.
Viper wrote:Nostalrius Begins is today the only server which has already developped all the retail content : we'll not make you dream about something we haven't, that's for sure !
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