Numari wrote:Horde waits 60 min for BG.
Horde running around killing all 50-60s Allys.
Allys can't level.
Allys leave the server or switch to Horde.
Horde waits 120 min for BG because of less Allys.
More Horde running around killing Allys.
More Allys leave.
Ally dies.
Horde alone on Server.
Everyone now QQ about no allys.
Now it is not our problem that we cannot ask for help. It is ur problem to wait 2 Hours for BG.
This. You are perpetuating your own problem. Another day of getting camped and I am out. You want casual pvp, fine. I get that. When you have gank squads literally doing nothing but camping every single leveling zone and every single flight path for anyone 48+, it ceases to be casual pvp and becomes constant griefing. Want your queues to go down? Get alliance to queue. Forcing ragequits does the opposite of that.
I can flat out tell you, I'm joining the leaving crowd if this keeps up. It's a toxic atmosphere that WILL ruin world events on what has until recently been a very enjoyable server.
Insert random qq flames from Horde members here. I'm not checking this thread and I don't care now that I know it's been brought up with and gotten attention.
Your move, Horde.