Greul wrote:Cataclysm wrote:Greul wrote:if the things will happen to fast is mean someting is broken,like % drop chance,boss mecanism etc.I remember it toke me half of year only to gear up ppl to start MC,did milions of runs to get all pices
worst bullshit ever posted
And what is the bullshit here? that u need time to gear up? mate if u wanna now on retail DM was added 4 months after or someting like that,the only spots to farm gear was BRD (a fucking long run and almost all the time same drops,0 upgrade) Strat and Scholo same shit...long runs with ppl bad geared altmost all time same drops 0 upgrade.Profesion was hardcore...hard to max and have good stuff,the economy was not that good that u can buy all the things,farming was slow like hell.
Back in classic on that period ppl was proud to have D1,after u made 20 runs and a pice droped and u won the roll was like (OMG im so fucking lucky) if u know what I meanand u can`t raid MC with green shits..we tryed first Raid with ppl blue/green (decent gear we sayd back then) after the first 4 min all the raid was oom,low dps,low heals..was a nightmare,so yes...back again to farm and farm...and same..0 new drops upgrade.
Things was better after patch 1.4 DM was a big + even PvP was worst,low que slow rank progresion,u need to make Raids over enemy Capitals and so on.
If u didan`t have time to play daily 5-8 hours was like 0 chance to make someting on high level.
Players move from guild to guild all the time to find better players with better gear who had luck on drops,also about the economy repair bills was a pain when u keep die coz of low gear,ppl start to build alts only to stack gold on the acount from questings.
If u played retail from start u know all this things,maybe I overexagerate a bit,but the point is the same,also if u played private servers only...and u think u know what is vanilla...well u don`t) private servers blizzlike 100% (in reality are like 30% blizzlike) maybe this one will be close to 70-80% blizzlike because of the items change,the progress release etc,and what is matter the most is %drop chance and scripts
Most of the private servers have more nods and a small time reswpam to make the leveling more easy,also a lower radius range from bosses in Raids + others "help things" that are not fix for purpose or no,but it make the raids and game more easy.
In a conference some guys ask blizzard why they don`t make a separate private server with vanilla how was back days,u know what they reply? "oooo nooo,trust me,u don`t wanna have that") ding ding?
do u england well?