How was Old Naxx40

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Eso » Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:11 pm

Greul wrote:
Cataclysm wrote:
Greul wrote:if the things will happen to fast is mean someting is broken,like % drop chance,boss mecanism etc.I remember it toke me half of year only to gear up ppl to start MC,did milions of runs to get all pices

worst bullshit ever posted

And what is the bullshit here? that u need time to gear up? mate if u wanna now on retail DM was added 4 months after or someting like that,the only spots to farm gear was BRD (a fucking long run and almost all the time same drops,0 upgrade) Strat and Scholo same shit...long runs with ppl bad geared altmost all time same drops 0 upgrade.Profesion was hardcore...hard to max and have good stuff,the economy was not that good that u can buy all the things,farming was slow like hell.
Back in classic on that period ppl was proud to have D1,after u made 20 runs and a pice droped and u won the roll was like (OMG im so fucking lucky) if u know what I mean :) and u can`t raid MC with green shits..we tryed first Raid with ppl blue/green (decent gear we sayd back then) after the first 4 min all the raid was oom,low dps,low heals..was a nightmare,so yes...back again to farm and farm...and same..0 new drops upgrade.
Things was better after patch 1.4 DM was a big + even PvP was worst,low que slow rank progresion,u need to make Raids over enemy Capitals and so on.
If u didan`t have time to play daily 5-8 hours was like 0 chance to make someting on high level.
Players move from guild to guild all the time to find better players with better gear who had luck on drops,also about the economy repair bills was a pain when u keep die coz of low gear,ppl start to build alts only to stack gold on the acount from questings.

If u played retail from start u know all this things,maybe I overexagerate a bit,but the point is the same,also if u played private servers only...and u think u know what is vanilla...well u don`t :)) private servers blizzlike 100% (in reality are like 30% blizzlike) maybe this one will be close to 70-80% blizzlike because of the items change,the progress release etc,and what is matter the most is %drop chance and scripts :)
Most of the private servers have more nods and a small time reswpam to make the leveling more easy,also a lower radius range from bosses in Raids + others "help things" that are not fix for purpose or no,but it make the raids and game more easy.

In a conference some guys ask blizzard why they don`t make a separate private server with vanilla how was back days,u know what they reply? "oooo nooo,trust me,u don`t wanna have that" :)) ding ding?

do u england well?
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Cataclysm » Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:19 pm

You're missing a lot of factors, for example the fact that, compared to back then, people have way more knowledge about the game. BiS gear wasnt figured out, mechanics, both on bosses and otherwise, wasn't nearly as optimized. You're saying that if the server progresses too fast it has to be bugged or "%drop chance", and thats just bullshit.

I understand that the nostalgia goggles are on on these forums, but since we remove a few large factors regarding vanilla progression (Insane instability for upwards to a week on new content patch, bugged raids to the point where they were undoable, generally no knowledge about any of the fights, their mechanics, and the fact that your average raider most likely didn't have optimize their gear that well), you'll be sitting with a nice and decent progression rate, no way near as slow as vanilla was.

It seems interesting that more servers try, just like scriptcraft, to in one way or another make the content harder/more interesting, like on Nostalrius have items reversed to patch 1.4. But the boss fights dont change, Molten Core in general isn't a struggle, and depending on how the patching system works between content, we'll soon enough be sitting in gear that makes both BWL and AQ doable.

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:49 pm

Twizzerious wrote:

mc is super serious, need full attention

World first (retail)
Ragnaros 154 days after release
Onyxia 69 days after release
Nefarian 77 days after release
C`thun 113 days after release
Kel'thuzad 90 days after release

Yes,MC was super serious back then in the start,and toke 154 days,those was the best of the best,they was no casual players who play 2-3 hours daily (some of them was online 12-14h daily,quit scholl and job,if u read the forums about how hardcore played some) ppl in 2005 still had addons,a lot of web-pages with hints,tactics and so on like today,the only reason why today is so fucking easy is because the servers are not 100% blizzlike and the things are diferite,the only + we have now is the 1.12 talents + buffed items (but I understand this will be change for a while to simulate the blizzlike experience)

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Zach » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:06 pm

Greul wrote:
Twizzerious wrote:

mc is super serious, need full attention

World first (retail)
Ragnaros 154 days after release
Onyxia 69 days after release
Nefarian 77 days after release
C`thun 113 days after release
Kel'thuzad 90 days after release

Yes,MC was super serious back then in the start,and toke 154 days,those was the best of the best,they was no casual players who play 2-3 hours daily (some of them was online 12-14h daily,quit scholl and job,if u read the forums about how hardcore played some) ppl in 2005 still had addons,a lot of web-pages with hints,tactics and so on like today,the only reason why today is so fucking easy is because the servers are not 100% blizzlike and the things are diferite,the only + we have now is the 1.12 talents + buffed items (but I understand this will be change for a while to simulate the blizzlike experience)

You're actually fucking retarded. Rag took ~5 months sure because the first months were leveling and release talents were artificial bullshit. 31 point survival talent was a 100 damage bleed etc, that's bad game design not hard encounters.

Ony was the same shit, people had to level and release talents were cancer.
Nef took forever because the entire raid needed Ony Scale Cloaks, not because it was hard. The other 7 bosses were killed the day it released/the day after.
When someone actually opened the AQ40 gates they killed the first four bosses that day and then Huhu a few days later because they had to farm NR gear. Only two days after Huhu was killed people had already geared their warlock tank and killed Twin Emps. C'thun took so long because it was literally impossible to kill until a fix, the day it was fixed people killed it along with the trash before him being bugged to shit. It was literally instantly respawning for a few days.
Kel'Thuzad was gated behind the bullshit that was four horseman requirements with people quitting the game/getting poached.

Mechanically almost every retail fight is more difficult than any Vanilla fight, all of the difficulty came from lack of information, terrible play,massive fucking bugs that prevented bosses from being killed/amplified their difficulty tenfold, and the terrible talents that existed.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Snide » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:13 pm

I'd also like to point out that on a lot of private servers the content is actually more difficult than it was in retail WoW. Take Warsong for example, yes you can use more buffs than back then, and it's entirely possible some of the abilities are scaled a little bit higher. Most of the bosses in Naxx on Warsong literally have three times the HP they did on retail. KT has something like almost 10,000,000, that's almost as much as the Naxx 25 version in Wrath. The original had 3mil HP. Scriptcraft bosses were overtuned, and there is a chance on Nost stuff might be purposely made harder to challenge players.
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:14 pm

Cataclysm wrote:You're missing a lot of factors, for example the fact that, compared to back then, people have way more knowledge about the game. BiS gear wasnt figured out, mechanics, both on bosses and otherwise, wasn't nearly as optimized. You're saying that if the server progresses too fast it has to be bugged or "%drop chance", and thats just bullshit.

I understand that the nostalgia goggles are on on these forums, but since we remove a few large factors regarding vanilla progression (Insane instability for upwards to a week on new content patch, bugged raids to the point where they were undoable, generally no knowledge about any of the fights, their mechanics, and the fact that your average raider most likely didn't have optimize their gear that well), you'll be sitting with a nice and decent progression rate, no way near as slow as vanilla was.

It seems interesting that more servers try, just like scriptcraft, to in one way or another make the content harder/more interesting, like on Nostalrius have items reversed to patch 1.4. But the boss fights dont change, Molten Core in general isn't a struggle, and depending on how the patching system works between content, we'll soon enough be sitting in gear that makes both BWL and AQ doable.

Mate do you think back days there was no info? and ppl dian`t know how to play? U don`t even need addons to figure out what a boss cand do,u can check logs,check range,check timing,RIFT for example 0 adons and the Raids was hell more hard that Wow Raids will ever be,I had a guild rank3 there and figure out all the things and coordonation with 0 hints and addons,Wow was the same,you think u need to study a boss 10 years to be expert? :)) U need to get inside,wipe 20 times and u can know exactly what a boss can do and can`t do to your raid,and how u can change the things,what you don`t understand is next : all about numbers (gear) if a boss hit u 3k and u have 2k hp is mean u need to get the items what give u a 3.2k hp
2.if a boss radius is 30 and your spell is 30 is mean u need to get in,hit and get out.But if the boss is bugged and radius is 25 u can hit him with your 30 spell range,so basic u don`t need to in/out so yes,is mean a noob can do it :) also u can have a boss bugged with 25 range and spell bugged too with a 32-35 :)) yes things like this exist on most of the servers witch make a fight 100% more easy that it is :)

So again if the %drop is corect how blizzlike was and the gear-up take time,also the scrips and spell are proper we should not have guilds who farm MC after 30 days :)
I hope the nods for mining/herbs are corect too,also the respawm time because to max a skill back days was not easy at all expecialy mining :)

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Zach » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:18 pm

Jesus Christ you're so wrong it's hilarious. MC will be cleared the week 40 people are 60 and decide to do it. MC will not live past the fourth week of this server. The point is that WoW raids aren't hard, why did you bring up RIFT and say RIFT was hard? This whole fucking argument is that Vanilla raids weren't difficult, because they weren't.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by riq and snog » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:31 pm

Tl; dr version
Vanilla is 10 years old pls stop now
riq and snog
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Stone Guard

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:45 pm

Snide wrote:I'd also like to point out that on a lot of private servers the content is actually more difficult than it was in retail WoW. Take Warsong for example, yes you can use more buffs than back then, and it's entirely possible some of the abilities are scaled a little bit higher. Most of the bosses in Naxx on Warsong literally have three times the HP they did on retail. KT has something like almost 10,000,000, that's almost as much as the Naxx 25 version in Wrath. The original had 3mil HP. Scriptcraft bosses were overtuned, and there is a chance on Nost stuff might be purposely made harder to challenge players.

They don`t have more HP,they had nerfed over time and atm u can find only the info that is base on the retail,and on the last retail patches :)) they are not overtuned,they are build on same stats like vanilla was,but u can`t know it if u didan`t play it :) in patch 1.12 or 2.0 was a lot of nerf added and bosses lost a considerabil amount of HP/armor etc :) the end of the classic is 1.11* what come after 1.11* was a super buff for the noobs see the content :) if u know what I mean.They still do this with all the expansion,in the end before release a new expansion they nerf and buff all only for the "noobs" to play and experience the content.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by tosheybellamy » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:48 pm

Nef took forever because the entire raid needed Ony Scale Cloaks, not because it was hard. The other 7 bosses were killed the day it released/the day after.


Please tell me more about how people killed Chrom the day after release. :lol:
Toshey - Night elf hunter
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