First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Fitzgerald » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:10 pm

BioBooster and Krah, give it up.

We get it that you are trying so desperately hard to act cool or smart, but in the end you are trying to dictate how the entire server works.

Get off your high horse you entitled fucking nerds.

Threatening people over them not wanting to join your club, LOL

Kids these days, I swear.
Am I pressing frostbolt right?
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Krah » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:19 pm

Fitzgerald wrote:BioBooster and Krah, give it up.

We get it that you are trying so desperately hard to act cool or smart, but in the end you are trying to dictate how the entire server works.

Get off your high horse you entitled fucking nerds.

Threatening people over them not wanting to join your club, LOL

Kids these days, I swear.

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Fitzgerald » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:22 pm

Krah wrote:
Fitzgerald wrote:BioBooster and Krah, give it up.

We get it that you are trying so desperately hard to act cool or smart, but in the end you are trying to dictate how the entire server works.

Get off your high horse you entitled fucking nerds.

Threatening people over them not wanting to join your club, LOL

Kids these days, I swear.


Am I pressing frostbolt right?
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by lorisixx » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:10 am

keep up with Entitled as they try to make themselves look cooler on the forums! ...

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by WOWMASTERX » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:12 am

guys its just a game lol, take a chill pill seriously lol

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:31 am

WOWMASTERX wrote:guys its just a game lol, take a chill pill seriously lol

Until BWL is out we really have nothing better to do then shitpost, I enjoy this.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Superseed » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:54 pm

Yo shutup nerds. :mrgreen:

If you got blues I feel bad for you son,
My priest has 99 purples but Benediction aint 1.


.. Continue with your banter.

Also Entited are a bunch of fags lol.

Especially Nacho.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Trickslol » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:27 pm

Because I'm bored and want to stir the pot. My observations.... Lots of misleading information here.
1. Our hunter got leaf.
2. Our hunter goes to look for the demons.
3. He sees two HORDE camping out next to the recently spawned demon.
4. 2v1, he calls out for his guild to help him kill the demon for his quest.
5. about 6 of us came down to clear the area to help our hunter with his quest, which I'm sure any other guild would do the same. Unfortunately we were late and they killed the demon just before we arrived to wipe them. (no, we did not mess up the quest/attack the demon. They did finish the quest, but we did kill them a couple times anyways.)
6. THEN, yes, AFTER THAT. Geist receives whispers from biobooster about them having a list and if he interferes with anyone, horde or ally, he will never ever get the quest done because horde and alliance will camp him endlessly. To my knowledge, not offered a spot on this "exclusive" list.
7. That is when tales and I got word of a random hunter threatening our guildmate with endless camps, and tales, being the protective mother of a guild leader that he is (would you not do the same for your guildmates?) took it upon himself to retaliate.

He was threatened, tales responded, no I'm not condoning the exact way and words tales used, but I think it was warranted anyway, who are you to tell our guild member he will never be able to do his quest if he kills these 2 horde hunters? I actually searched for a list on the forums to check out how many people were on it at the time, but I could not find any.

anyway, no harm done, just my perspective. We think the list is a good idea, but managing it the way a few of you did was an unfortunate mess.

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:00 pm

Trickslol wrote:Because I'm bored and want to stir the pot. My observations.... Lots of misleading information here.
1. Our hunter got leaf.
2. Our hunter goes to look for the demons.
3. He sees two HORDE camping out next to the recently spawned demon.
4. 2v1, he calls out for his guild to help him kill the demon for his quest.
5. about 6 of us came down to clear the area to help our hunter with his quest, which I'm sure any other guild would do the same. Unfortunately we were late and they killed the demon just before we arrived to wipe them. (no, we did not mess up the quest/attack the demon. They did finish the quest, but we did kill them a couple times anyways.)
6. THEN, yes, AFTER THAT. Geist receives whispers from biobooster about them having a list and if he interferes with anyone, horde or ally, he will never ever get the quest done because horde and alliance will camp him endlessly. To my knowledge, not offered a spot on this "exclusive" list.
7. That is when tales and I got word of a random hunter threatening our guildmate with endless camps, and tales, being the protective mother of a guild leader that he is (would you not do the same for your guildmates?) took it upon himself to retaliate.

He was threatened, tales responded, no I'm not condoning the exact way and words tales used, but I think it was warranted anyway, who are you to tell our guild member he will never be able to do his quest if he kills these 2 horde hunters? I actually searched for a list on the forums to check out how many people were on it at the time, but I could not find any.

anyway, no harm done, just my perspective. We think the list is a good idea, but managing it the way a few of you did was an unfortunate mess.

Jerk yourself off more with your tale of martydom and oppression. It's hilarious. Super exclusive list, you mean this IN THE HUNTER PUBLIC FORUMS? Jesus no one is going to believe your bullshit. Fucking stop.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Trickslol » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:30 pm

someones mad ^ . That thread did not become an actual "list" until after this happened, as you can see by the first 10 or so pages.


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