whitekidney wrote:We got screenshots from an alliance player showing Malthrus with the beastslaying enchant.
No you don't, stop talking lies. I have never had a weapon enchant on this server yet. The GM's can see that, you can't give them a fake screenshot from another server, they are not stupid like you are.
whitekidney wrote:We were also tipped that he was farming bugged elites in silithus.
More proof plz. I did 40% of a level in Silithus with the few quests that were left there.
whitekidney wrote:If they want to hate, they can, that's fine, they are just wasting their time <3
Like you are wasting yours right now? Nobody believes you anymore, because you have yet to show even 0.1% proof of any of your bizarre claims.
whitekidney wrote:Most vanilla players knows for a fact that you CANNOT do 3 hours per level from 57-60, it's just not possible. There are not enough quests ( quest hubs ) in the game that possibly gives you the XP/H for this to be possible.
http://www.wow-pro.com/leveling_guides/jame039s_alliance_leveling_guide_chapter_iii_5060_old_versionNot enough quests? Maybe in your guide, but if you want to see the exact route I used to get a level every 3 hours, there it is.
whitekidney wrote:We know what he did was not legit.
You don't know anything, other than you are desperate for an excuse for not being first, because your ego can't handle it.
whitekidney wrote:We also know that malth was pretty salty when I was like 2-3 levels ahead of him
The funny thing is, I told Sylo to send you that message to lead you into believing you had already won. Looks like it worked huh? Since you actually went to sleep at level 57, so smart.
whitekidney wrote:It wouldn't surprise me if he resorted to exploiting for winning the race.
But you've just been saying this whole time that you have proof and you know I was exploiting, now you're not sure?