Defiler wrote:Everyone from <NOPE> involved in this Raid should get a first "warning", and loot should be deleted.
Even though I can understand that u rly want to kill the boss and be on of the first. But u kept going while it was obvious that something wasnt right. In the Grizzly kill movie it just starts around 2% of Rag, so I dont think it makes any difference here. Grizzly wouldve killed them anyways sooner or later. They are just too nolife not to kill him first.
The <NOPE> kill is a different case. U were hitting the Boss for like 5min without a melee on it. Just to obvious that its buggy, and you would have never killed him with proper scripts.
<NOPE> should apologize to the community for this behaviour and should delete the items on livestream.
Thats what a good guild would do.
Pretty much this. Their GREED doesn't automatically entitle them to loot from a obviously bugged encounter. Actually anyone that has ever done MC on Nostarlrius should have their Rag loot removed because the encounter is bugged. I really don't want to see a bunch of players running around with Sulfuras.