Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by danker » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:29 am

mindflow1 wrote:Got to level 48, just got camped for 4 hours by 5 rank 9+ horde, time to reroll horde I guess.


Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Visigothette » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:25 am

Præisten wrote:
mindflow1 wrote:Got to level 48, just got camped for 4 hours by 5 rank 9+ horde, time to reroll horde I guess.

Nice. See you soon. You will soon find out - horde is the best faction.

Lol. Just started leveling on this server... was going to go Horde as usual, but my friend said alliance was the underdog here so we went Ally... been playing live WoW since classic, still subbed in WoD. After looking at this thread I'm so glad I went alliance, between yourself and the shit warlock flaming people, I feel as if Horde is probably half composed of 15yo shitters that think they're amazing.

Which is hilarious because PvP in classic was dogshit. Fun? Yes. Competitive or balanced? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha nope not even close. So the fact that there is a warlock and a priest trolling people is so great xD. If you want to talk about how good you are, go play a different game kiddoez.

Anyways back to leveling, guess I'll find out how many gankers there are shortly. Toodles

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:32 am

You are more predictable than you are retarded, and thats saying alot. Take a look at this , and notice The lvl 60 ratios ;

Almost 60:40 in some readings, AND alliance got a bigger percentage of pve carebears among their lvl 60 pop.
Allaince got more lvl 30s, fucking woo, lets send them to ungoro to fight! I bet hordes would fucking like that, since challenges arent their cup of tea.

You are a hypocritic moron, you tell alliance to just group up yet when they do it at 60 Then instead of grouping up yourself in horde premades you group up to shit on some lvl 52 mage with 1750 Health. Just admit you piss yourself wwhen you see them big bad premades ready to rape your generic male UD ass.

Owned Again dumbass. Laughing stock of the forum. "BTFO" L0L
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by azreal3133 » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:52 am

I find it so amusing how these Horde cry about Alliance premades when we have to deal with the exact same shit, we get to play against premades too buds, whether its GRIZZLY, some random Horde guild or just a bunch of pugs grouping up together we also have to deal with premades and that forces us to make premades just to counter it, so don't act like you're the victim in this scenario because both sides have premades and both sides have random pugs that are shit.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Hammersplat » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:23 am

My first wow server was Malygos and the alliance outnumbered the horde by a lot. The wait time for wsg was 2-3 hours and alliance never won AV, I remember the day they dId and ppl were all linking ice barbed spear like it was a thundrfury. 30 minutes is not a long wait time. If you can't wait that long just reroll alliance. If you don't like pvp once you get to 60 you can just do dungeons and MC, it's only getting from 50-60 that you get ganked, after that it gets much better.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Blackadder » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:30 am

The funny thing is that the few hardcore pvp alliance that make it to 60 will have made the best choice in the end. Their premade will have fast queues and easy wins vs retard hordes . (just because there are more horde the alliance is less likely to encounter the elite horde premades) they will have less competition for high standings, which means they can rank up faster
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by pakao » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:22 am

ive leveled in azshara, blasted lands, searing gorge, before that hinterlands, tanaris and i havent seen none of those things you wrote abot

actually i got killed 20x and camped at flight masters/quest givers in searing gorge few days ago. also got killed 5-6 times in 20 mins in wpl so i left for a time being

and i play horde.

you are overreacting, ally is not better at all as far as killing lowbies go and not outnumbered nearly as you wrote here. and you can always find good spot to just grind if you cant queat
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Mryul » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:36 am

Yeah, Alliance is the underdog on Nostalrius, so it's the best place to be if you're into PvP. If you like to kill lowbies and get farmed in battlegrounds you wait 1 hour for, go horde.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Liselle » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:07 am

I'm still level 37, Horde, so I can't speak much about the higher levels... but at least for now, the Alliance pop is waaaay lower than Horde.

I levelled in Vanilla in an Alliance favored server (very favored... their queues for BGs lasted for an hour) and the situation for us was pretty much the same as is for Alliance here right now...

My thoughts (long, dont read if you don't care :p):

- STV was the same gankfest, this time for horde ofc. I find funny when people start "omg 37 paladin near gromgol" and five fellow Hordies jump out to kill him... or when I see people complaining "STV is hell"... you don't know what is STV for the other guys, really :).
- An ally mage 60 came to Nesingwary to help allies and was overwhelmed by all the hordies there. It was hillarious. So much pop imbalance xD.
- I've been ganked in STV, at least 5-6 times. Never by a single toon. That goes to the next point.
- People in general is coward. Neither allies nor horde attack people on unfavored conditions. No one likes dying. The "stfu noobs l2p" I've read makes me laugh :p. Be sincere with yourselves.
- At 60, ranking PvP will be easier for Allliance, and much funnier. It's perfectly natural they got together in premades, we did in our server all the time. With instaqueues, why risk losing? :) - ok, we Hordies get to gank a 54 poor fella trying to quest, woohooooo. Who laughs last laughs the best :p. Allies, don't reroll, life at 60 will be awesome for you.
- I saw two twitch streams of hordies "pvping" and in both cases, very brave groups of 60s ganking people in Western Plaguelands. /golfclap guys.
- If I didnt like being undead for lore reasons so much, I would reroll Alliance right now :) - PvP will be so funny there...

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Mryul » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:12 am

Yeah, if you're into PvP Alliance is where you want to be.
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