You just can't get it through some people's skulls, Theloras...
Unfortunately on this exact topic, you can't get it through 90% of the server's skulls either. They were all told Rets were useless, and they vehemently defend it for whatever reason.
SnowFlakes wrote:Theloras wrote:Let the hate flow through you!
but I digress...
See I'm >>>>> You
You seem incredibly triggered, did I somehow hurt your feelings?
I would comment on the whole me> u comment but I couldn't find any good logs from you on raidstats, only medicore healing ones.
DankAzZmemer wrote:SnowFlakes wrote:Theloras wrote:Let the hate flow through you!
but I digress...
See I'm >>>>> You
You seem incredibly triggered, did I somehow hurt your feelings?
I would comment on the whole me> u comment but I couldn't find any good logs from you on raidstats, only medicore healing ones.
you´re a sad human being. i bet your dad is proud of you when you show him your guilds raidstats every day. maybe it even helps him get over the fact that he never will be grandfather because you sound like a person who has never seen a vagina
DrearyYew wrote:You just can't get it through some people's skulls, Theloras...
Unfortunately on this exact topic, you can't get it through 90% of the server's skulls either. They were all told Rets were useless, and they vehemently defend it for whatever reason.
Theloras wrote:DrearyYew wrote:You just can't get it through some people's skulls, Theloras...
Unfortunately on this exact topic, you can't get it through 90% of the server's skulls either. They were all told Rets were useless, and they vehemently defend it for whatever reason.
To be fair, LOLRET or LOLPROT is to be expected to a certain extent anywhere you play - have I been excluded from some 5/10mans for either Tank or DPS, yes of course - but in the end the joke is on them because their dungeon takes them twice as long to clear without the AOE dmg that either a Ret or Prot Paladin can put out.
That being said, the overall community here has been a breath of fresh air for me and other Retribution/Protection friends who have started playing here - compared to the $hitstorm that was Peenix with the elitist try hard f@gs there quite literally masturbating to their SWStats metres...
Single target DPS, our damage will be somewhere in the middle of the pack, which is to be expected, but add one or more additional mobs and its AOEDMGTIME
Arael wrote:Theloras wrote:DrearyYew wrote:You just can't get it through some people's skulls, Theloras...
Unfortunately on this exact topic, you can't get it through 90% of the server's skulls either. They were all told Rets were useless, and they vehemently defend it for whatever reason.
To be fair, LOLRET or LOLPROT is to be expected to a certain extent anywhere you play - have I been excluded from some 5/10mans for either Tank or DPS, yes of course - but in the end the joke is on them because their dungeon takes them twice as long to clear without the AOE dmg that either a Ret or Prot Paladin can put out.
That being said, the overall community here has been a breath of fresh air for me and other Retribution/Protection friends who have started playing here - compared to the $hitstorm that was Peenix with the elitist try hard f@gs there quite literally masturbating to their SWStats metres...
Single target DPS, our damage will be somewhere in the middle of the pack, which is to be expected, but add one or more additional mobs and its AOEDMGTIME
Do you rather bring a RETPALA/PROTPALA instead of a Warlock or Mage for AoE
Theloras wrote:A Paladin with FORCE REACTIVE DISC >>>>>>>> any mage or warlock in any AoE situation
(2) School Damage (Nature)
Value: 25
Radius: 5 yards
Arael wrote:Theloras wrote:A Paladin with FORCE REACTIVE DISC >>>>>>>> any mage or warlock in any AoE situation
(2) School Damage (Nature)
Value: 25
Radius: 5 yards