Overwhelming racism

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Re: Overwhelming racism

by OGTUCKER117 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:41 pm

popezaphod wrote:You people are hilarious. You just have to call people "niggers" and "faggots" because you're too stupid to come up with anything better - and as a bonus you know you're offending people. Well played, kids. Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

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Re: Overwhelming racism

by lordelis » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:48 pm

popezaphod wrote:Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

How about you pick your pony toys and move back to reddit?
Better dead than red.

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Hexxd » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:50 pm

popezaphod wrote:You people are hilarious. You just have to call people "niggers" and "faggots" because you're too stupid to come up with anything better - and as a bonus you know you're offending people. Well played, kids. Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

That's rich, a furry telling other people to pick up their toys.. maybe reflect on your own twisted immature predilections before you try to label other people as children.

Using words that will get a rise out of someone is not equal to being unable to express yourself with a larger vocabulary you fucking dunce.

Now go back to jerking off to a kidz cartoon you sick creep.

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Kyrios0Zero » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:54 pm

popezaphod wrote:You people are hilarious. You just have to call people "niggers" and "faggots" because you're too stupid to come up with anything better - and as a bonus you know you're offending people. Well played, kids. Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

And how is that any worse than what you are doing by insulting people with comparisons to children? THAT is the ultimate proof of how idiotic liberal trash is. It's always, "Stop doing this thing I dislike, but I'm free to do as I please."

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Lundvalnaden » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:32 pm

Kyrios0Zero wrote:
popezaphod wrote:You people are hilarious. You just have to call people "niggers" and "faggots" because you're too stupid to come up with anything better - and as a bonus you know you're offending people. Well played, kids. Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

And how is that any worse than what you are doing by insulting people with comparisons to children? THAT is the ultimate proof of how idiotic liberal trash is. It's always, "Stop doing this thing I dislike, but I'm free to do as I please."

Not really, it goes the other way.
You are insulting people bcause you beilieve in freedom of speech, but when someone wants to tell you're wrong, than you dont believe in freedom of speech. you are just a bigots.

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Hexxd » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:44 pm

Lundvalnaden wrote:
Kyrios0Zero wrote:
popezaphod wrote:You people are hilarious. You just have to call people "niggers" and "faggots" because you're too stupid to come up with anything better - and as a bonus you know you're offending people. Well played, kids. Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

And how is that any worse than what you are doing by insulting people with comparisons to children? THAT is the ultimate proof of how idiotic liberal trash is. It's always, "Stop doing this thing I dislike, but I'm free to do as I please."

Not really, it goes the other way.
You are insulting people bcause you beilieve in freedom of speech, but when someone wants to tell you're wrong, than you dont believe in freedom of speech. you are just a bigots.

The difference is that you automatically want some type of moderator assistance or intervention. "Ban Them!", "They have to be punished in some way!".

We aren't trying to silence you, we are merely calling you out on your pathetic 'feelings' oriented view point. Calling you a whiney over-sensitive pussy isn't the same as trying to block your ability to express yourself.

In short, grow some balls and understand the comparison you are trying to make before you shit it out on a forum.

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Kyrios0Zero » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:56 pm

Lundvalnaden wrote:
Kyrios0Zero wrote:
popezaphod wrote:You people are hilarious. You just have to call people "niggers" and "faggots" because you're too stupid to come up with anything better - and as a bonus you know you're offending people. Well played, kids. Now pick up your toys and get on your blankets for nap time.

And how is that any worse than what you are doing by insulting people with comparisons to children? THAT is the ultimate proof of how idiotic liberal trash is. It's always, "Stop doing this thing I dislike, but I'm free to do as I please."

Not really, it goes the other way.
You are insulting people bcause you beilieve in freedom of speech, but when someone wants to tell you're wrong, than you dont believe in freedom of speech. you are just a bigots.

I've never advocated for freedom of speech, only against inane leftism. That's why I have no problem calling progressives mentally defective pussies, because I make no claim that doing something like that is an injustice. On the other hand, SJW retards will try to ban "hate speech" while using speech of the same caliber of hate. They will bark about tolerance while being unable to tolerate anyone with a view that clashes with their own. That's why true conservatism is simply superior, because there is no pussyfooting around the topic of openly hating inferior beings and ideals. Freedom of speech be damned, I just taste bile when I see idiots claiming that racism is some illogical concept which needs to be abolished and then defending their idiocy with nothing but hypocrisy. Let the racism continue on this server, on this planet, not because it is something to which everyone has a right, but rather because it is not incorrect to be racist.

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Ark » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:06 pm

Kyrios0Zero wrote:Freedom of speech be damned, I just taste bile when I see idiots claiming that racism is some illogical concept which needs to be abolished and then defending their idiocy with nothing but hypocrisy. Let the racism continue on this server, on this planet, not because it is something to which everyone has a right, but rather because it is not incorrect to be racist.

Damn, I didn't know you got internet in the trailer park.

Brb I'm gonna go solve that
"You come at the king, you best not miss"
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Re: Overwhelming racism

by Catisious » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:11 pm

Blah blah blah

"random quote of someone bitching"

additional bitching from me

"another quote"

bitching more about that last quote

blah blah blah"justifications"

blah blah blah


Is that the right format??? someone please tell me i want to nerd rage tooooo!!!!

Re: Overwhelming racism

by Hexxd » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:43 pm

Catisious wrote:Blah blah blah

"random quote of someone bitching"

additional bitching from me

"another quote"

bitching more about that last quote

blah blah blah"justifications"

blah blah blah


Is that the right format??? someone please tell me i want to nerd rage tooooo!!!!

One cannot be taught to nerd rage... One is born with the nerd raging gift.


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